Supreme Court News

Volkswagen Wants U.S. Supreme Court to Nix ‘Staggering’ Diesel Claims by Counties

Volkswagen AG and a German auto supplier on Tuesday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower-court ruling that said two counties could seek financial penalties over excess diesel emissions that could total billions of dollars. The German automaker’s …

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Goldman Stock Price Class Action

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s appeal in a securities fraud case that could redefine the ability of shareholders to pursue class actions against public companies whose stock prices fall. Goldman is appealing …

Two Conservative Supreme Court Justices Appear to Side with Obamacare Supporters

U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday signaled they are unlikely to strike down the Obamacare healthcare law in a legal challenge brought by Texas and 17 other Republican-governed states and joined by President Donald Trump’s administration. Chief Justice John Roberts …

Supreme Court Again Weighs Fate of Affordable Care Act

The conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday dives back into politically perilous waters as it hears arguments over a Republican challenge backed by President Donald Trump’s administration aiming to invalidate the Obamacare healthcare law. President-elect Joe Biden has criticized Republican …

Supreme Court’s Next Obamacare Test to Happen a Week After Election

The U.S. Supreme Court said it will hear its blockbuster clash over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act on Nov. 10, a week after an election in which Democrats are seeking to make health care a central focus. The …

Supreme Court to Hear Federal Trade Commission’s Appeal Over Ill-Gotten Gains

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Thursday to decide whether the Federal Trade Commission can continue to require scam artists and firms that engaged in deceptive business practices to return money improperly obtained from consumers. The justices will hear the …

Supreme Court Supports Employers’ Religious Rights in Contraception, Teacher Employment

The U.S. Supreme Court struck two blows for religious rights, including a decision that upholds Trump administration rules giving employers a broad right to refuse to offer birth control through their health plans. The justices also gave religious organizations a …

REUTERS SPECIAL REPORT on Police Immunity: For Cops Who Kill, Special Supreme Court Protection

MADILL, Oklahoma — Sick with pneumonia, agitated and confused, Johnny Leija refused to return to his hospital room. Moments later, with three police officers pinning him on the floor, Leija was dead at age 34. Staff at the local hospital …

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Micro-Captive Insurer Tax Case

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review a ruling that critics say would give the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service a sweeping shield from challenges to their regulations. The justices said Monday they will hear arguments over a reporting …

Supreme Court Rejects Stricter Deadline for Employee Claims Against Retirement Plans

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to back stricter deadlines for workers to sue retirement plans over alleged mismanagement, ruling Intel Corp. cannot avoid a suit accusing it of unlawfully making high-risk investments that cost retirement plan beneficiaries hundreds …