Supreme Court News

Supreme Court Denies Appeal of Kentucky Fen-Phen Lawyer

The U.S. Supreme Court refused on Monday to hear an appeal by a Kentucky lawyer accused of cheating clients out of millions of dollars paid in a settlement over the diet drug combination fen-phen. The high court, without explanation, rejected …

Supreme Court to Hear Comcast, Amgen Cases on Class Action Limits

The U.S. Supreme Court considered appeals by Comcast Corp. and Amgen Inc. that could help determine what kind of evidence must be presented before companies may be the subject of class-action lawsuits. Monday’s complex arguments gave the court a new …

Supreme Court Weighs Key ‘Gray’ Market Copyright Case

Several justices on the U.S. Supreme Court voiced concern on Monday about letting U.S. copyright holders block the resale inside the country of products they make elsewhere, in one of the court’s biggest copyright cases in years. The case, likely …

Supreme Court Weighs Government Liability Under Credit Reporting Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday considered whether the federal government could be liable for money damages by printing confidential credit card information on a customer’s receipt, increasing the risk of identity theft. A decision against the government could make …

Supreme Court Lets Black Brokers’ Bias Case Against Merrill Proceed

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to consider an appeal by Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch unit of a ruling that allowed black brokers who accused it of bias to pursue their lawsuit as a class action. Without comment, the …

Supreme Court to Hear Employer Liability, Class Certification in New Term

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review close to 40 cases in its new term that begins on Monday, roughly half the number the court is expected to hear this year. Below are some of the more prominent cases …

Supreme Court to Review State v. Federal Class-Action Case Involving Insurer

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to consider the constitutionality of a legal tactic that can make it harder for companies to defend against class-action lawsuits, in a case it will review in the term that starts on Oct. …

Chief Justice Roberts Viewed Differently After Healthcare Opinion

Chief Justice John Roberts could have taken down the entire, massive healthcare law that his fellow Republicans deride as “Obamacare.” He could have prevented the Supreme Court decision that largely disabled the most disputed aspects of Arizona’s crackdown on illegal …

Supreme Court Upholds Healthcare Law; Read Copy of Opinion

The U.S Supreme Court today upheld the individual mandate that is the centerpiece of President Obama’s healthcare reform law. The court has upheld most of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act but did find the Medicaid expansion provision opposed …

Supreme Court Hears More Healthcare Law Arguments

The fate of President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul will be on the line on Wednesday when the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether the entire law must fall without its centerpiece insurance mandate. Completing three days of historic arguments, the nine …