Supreme Court News

Supreme Court Rejects Tobacco Firm Appeal of Florida Award

The U.S. Supreme Court said on Monday it will not hear an appeal by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in a Florida case in which it was ordered to pay $28.3 million to a woman whose husband died of lung cancer …

Supreme Court Begins Healthcare Law Debate

Two years after President Barack Obama signed into law a healthcare overhaul, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday took up a historic test of whether it is valid under the country’s Constitution. The sweeping law intended to transform healthcare for …

6 Ways Supreme Court Could Rule on Healthcare Law

The Supreme Court has several options in ruling on President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, from upholding the law to striking it down in its entirety. The court also could avoid deciding the law’s constitutionality at all, if it finds …

4 GOP-Appointed Justices Control Obama Health Law’s Fate

Here’s a thought that can’t comfort President Barack Obama: The fate of his health care overhaul rests with four Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices. His most sweeping domestic achievement could be struck down if they stand together with Justice Clarence Thomas, …

Supreme Court Readies for Healthcare Debate

Death, taxes and now health insurance? Having a medical plan or else paying a fine is about to become another certainty of American life, unless the Supreme Court says no. People are split over the wisdom of President Barack Obama’s …

Supreme Court Weighs If Firms Can Be Sued Over Human Rights Abuses Abroad

The U.S. Supreme Court said on Monday it would hear arguments next term on whether an 18th century U.S. law can be used to sue multinational corporations or others in American courts for alleged human rights abuses committed abroad. The …

Supreme Court Weighs Foreigners’ Claims Against Corporations

Corporations and human rights groups are squaring off in a Supreme Court fight over whether foreign victims of war crimes, killings and other atrocities can haul multinational companies into American courts and try to prove they were complicit in the …

Honolulu Rail Project Legal Bills Top $1.87M

Legal bills for Honolulu’s rail project have totaled more than $1.87 million with seven law firms hired. The $5.27 billion, 20-mile rail project is facing a federal lawsuit by opponents including former Gov. Ben Cayetano, who recently announced he’ll run …

Supreme Court Rules Religious Ministers Not Covered by Job Bias Laws

Religious groups and churches may hire and fire their leaders without being subject to laws against discrimination in employment, the U.S. Supreme Court said this week in a unanimous landmark ruling. For the first time, the Supreme Court recognized a …

Supreme Court Schedules Obama Healthcare Arguments

Oral arguments on President Barack Obama’s sweeping U.S. healthcare overhaul will last 5-1/2 hours spread over three days from March 26-28, the Supreme Court said on Monday. The Supreme Court last month agreed to hear the 5-1/2 hours of oral …