survey News

WillisWire Bloggers Reveal Their Top Emerging Risks for 2012

A bulletin from Willis Group Holdings identifies 18 “emerging risks,” as causing increasing concern among the world’s insurance community. Willis compiled the list from its new website of intellectual capital, WillisWire. While “headline-grabbing events” – the euro zone crisis, the …

AXA, Japan Post Top Best’s List of World’s Largest Insurers

France’s AXA S.A. has again topped the list of the world’s 25 largest insurance companies, based on premiums written, compiled by A.M. Best. The lists, which were compiled both on asset value and on net premiums written, reflects the dominance …

FERMA Confirms Risk Managers’ Concerns with Supply Chain Insurance

“Commercial insurance buyers generally want better insurance products to cover their supply chain risks,” according to a recent survey conducted by the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA). “Only 14 percent of the risk managers who responded to the …

Regulatory Investigations Top Directors’ List of Concerns: Willis/Overy Survey

The liability risks facing company directors and officers are intensifying in the wake of the economic crisis. At the head of the list are “regulatory investigations and enquiries,” which pose the greatest perceived threat to companies and their directors. The …

Lloyd’s Study Finds U.S. Businesses Concerned with Talent, Skills Shortage

U.S. business leaders are as concerned as their European counterparts over a talent and skills shortage, despite record unemployment levels across much of the U.S. The talent risk was number two in a survey conducted by Lloyd’s in compiling its …

Willis Re Spots Downward Trend UK Auto Claims; Premium Increases

UK motor [auto] insurance premiums “have continued to rise in 2011, with some drivers facing price increases of up to 50 percent,” according to findings of the annual UK Motor Market Review by Willis Re. It also noted a significant …

Int’l Chamber of Commerce Survey: ‘World Economic Climate Has Worsened’

According to the World Economic Survey (WES), published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Munich-based Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), “the world economic climate has worsened in the fourth quarter, as indicated by increasingly negative expectations from …

Survey of Global Bribery Ranks Countries

Survey Finds Africa, Asia Cities Most at Risk from Global Climate Change

Countries and megacities in Africa and Asia are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change over the coming years, a global survey shows, underscoring the risks from floods, rising sea levels, droughts and storms. With populations in …

Survey Shows Europe’s Top 10 P&C Insurers Grew Premiums by 5.2% in 2010

Spain’s MAPFRE has published its 7th annual survey of Europe’s non-life insurers, ranking them by gross premiums written. The survey found that “all the companies achieved an increase in premium revenues as well as excellent results, especially driven by their …