sustainability News

Tiny Southern California Agency Earns B Corp Status

Merely bringing your A-game may not be enough to entice certain companies to give you their business, especially those who are looking for environmentally or socially conscious partners. Following the challenging recession period the “green” movement seemed to take a …

UN: $2.5 Trillion in Global Disaster Losses Since 2000

Economic losses from disasters since 2000 are in the range of $2.5 trillion, a figure at least 50 percent higher than previous international estimates, according to a U.N. report. The U.N. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction warned in the 246-page …

Insurers Meet in Canada on United Nations Sustainability Principles

Canada is this week hosting the third of seven United Nations conferences to develop a set of sustainability principles for the insurance industry. Insurance industry CEOs and other senior executives from Bermuda, Canada and the United States are attending the …