sustainable development News

Singapore Plans Financial Services Overhaul to Boost Sustainable Finance, Reinsurance

Singapore announced plans on Thursday to overhaul its financial services industry by 2025 in a bid to cement its position in a “key battleground” to fight climate change, mobilizing capital to support sustainable financing and green fintech. The “Industry Transformation …

Everest Re Group Signs UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance

Everest Re Group Ltd. announced it has become an official signatory of the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI), a global framework for a sustainable insurance industry developed through partnership between risk management leaders and the United Nations Environment Programme …

Aviva Broadens Sustainable Investments to Include Biodiversity, Human Rights

Leading British asset manager Aviva Investors plans to push boards for greater action on biodiversity and human rights so that companies consider “the whole picture of sustainability.” Alongside climate change, a core focus for most investors, Aviva’s move reflects growing …

Global Companies Find Economic Opportunities in UN Sustainable Development Goals

Many companies are looking past quarterly results to discover long-term economic opportunities in U.N. goals to end poverty and protect the planet, the head of an international business commission has said. Mark Malloch-Brown’s Business and Sustainable Development Commission has contacted …

Trump Hands Climate Leadership Role to China to Dismay of Global Leaders

President Donald Trump’s decision to isolate the U.S. on climate change triggered waves of complaints from government and business leaders around the world and handed China a golden opportunity to burnish its image as a global leader. Trump’s withdrawal from …

Re/insurers Join Efforts to Support UN’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance

A number of insurers and reinsurers have agreed to join the UN-backed set of Principles for Sustainable Insurance. The initiative aims to provide insurance tools for risk management in support of environmental, social and economic sustainability. A bulletin from UK-based …

Main Points of Agreement from Rio+20 Summit Show Little Progress

Global leaders on Friday wrapped up a United Nations development summit with little to show but a lackluster agreement, as critics scorned governments for showing no urgency to tackle climate change as well as food and water scarcity. Nearly 100 …