sustainable development goals (SDG) News

Everest Re Group Signs UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance

Everest Re Group Ltd. announced it has become an official signatory of the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI), a global framework for a sustainable insurance industry developed through partnership between risk management leaders and the United Nations Environment Programme …

EU Prepares to Get Tougher on Asset Managers that ‘Greenwash’ Sustainable Credentials

LONDON/BRUSSELS โ€“ For money managers and advisers keen to market their sustainable investing credentials to European clients, going green is about to get a lot tougher. Under a suite of new EU finance rules due to be rolled out in …

Global Companies Find Economic Opportunities in UN Sustainable Development Goals

Many companies are looking past quarterly results to discover long-term economic opportunities in U.N. goals to end poverty and protect the planet, the head of an international business commission has said. Mark Malloch-Brown’s Business and Sustainable Development Commission has contacted …

UN, IIS, Willis Urge ‘Convergence of Communities’ to Face Climate Change

The third day of the International Insurance Society’s Annual Seminar was an all-day session devoted entirely to the threat posed by climate change, the studies of its risks and the solutions available to face them. While the re/insurance industry is …

Prince Charles Calls for Action on Climate Change at IIS Conference

HRH Charles, the Prince of Wales, addressed the International Insurance Society on Wednesday June 25th. Speaking to a full house, the heir to the British throne called the gathering “a vitally important meeting on climate change, disaster risk reduction, resilience …