EU Seeks to Target Russia’s Global Oil Exports With Insurance, Services Ban

The European Union is seeking to go beyond an import ban on Russian crude, targeting insurers in a move that could dramatically impair Moscow’s ability to ship its oil anywhere in the world. The bloc is proposing to ban European …

North Korean Hackers Tried to Steal $1.1B over 4-Year Period: FireEye Report

A North Korean hacking group focused on financial gain for the rogue state has penetrated banks around the world with a series of ongoing attacks, and has tried to steal at least $1.1 billion over the last four years, according …

Cyber Criminals Steal $13.5M from India’s Cosmos Bank

Cyber criminals hacked the systems of India’s Cosmos Bank and siphoned off nearly 944 million rupees ($13.5 million) through simultaneous withdrawals across 28 countries over the weekend, the bank has told police. The co-operative bank said unidentified hackers stole customer …

Bank of Chile Hit by $10 Million Cyber Heist Using SWIFT Messaging System

Shares in the Bank of Chile were down on Monday after it confirmed hackers had siphoned off $10 million of its funds, mainly to Hong Kong, though the country’s second-largest commercial bank said no client accounts had been impacted. The …

India Cyber Bank Heist Used ‘Similar’ Methods to $81M Bangladesh Bank Hack

Hackers who tried to steal nearly $2 million from India’s City Union Bank this month used tactics similar to those employed in the unsolved cyber heist of $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank in 2016, City’s CEO said on Monday. …

India’s City Union Bank Hit by Cyber Heist via SWIFT Payments System

India’s City Union Bank said on Sunday that “cyber criminals” had hacked its systems and transferred nearly $2 million through three unauthorized remittances to lenders overseas via the SWIFT financial platform. The comments come after the small private lender on …

Hackers Target SWIFT Payments System at Russia’s Globex Bank

Hackers tried to steal 55 million roubles ($940,000) from Russian state bank Globex using the SWIFT international payments messaging system, the bank said on Thursday, the latest in a string of attempted cyber heists that use fraudulent wire-transfer requests. Globex …

Global Banks Face ‘Significant Evolution’ in Cyber Threat Level: SWIFT

Global banks need to do more to protect themselves from cyber attacks after a “significant evolution” in the threat level in the last 18 months, according to the SWIFT global payments network. Hackers are deploying increasingly sophisticated ways of breaching …

Nepal Bank Latest Victim in String of Global Cyber Heists

A bank in Nepal is the latest victim in a string of cyber heists, though most of the stolen funds have been recovered, two officials involved in the investigation confirmed on Tuesday. [Editor’s note: Reuters issued a clarification to say …

European Cyber Police Hunt for Culprits of Global Ransomware Attack

Days after the global cyber attack, U.K. police are trying to figure out whether it was an established network of criminals, state-backed hackers or bored teenagers that crippled the country’s health service. The malware campaign affected more than 200,000 computers …