EU Members Should Run Stress Tests for Banks’ Cyber Risks: EU Banking Chief

Domestic authorities in European Union member states should stress-test their financial institutions for cyber risks, a top EU supervisor said, saying banks might be required to hold extra capital as a buffer against what is an emerging threat. Speaking to …

Hackers Target SE Asian Banks, Revealing Campaign Against SWIFT Network

Investigators are examining possible computer breaches at as many as 12 banks linked to SWIFT’s global payments network that have irregularities similar to those in the theft of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank, according to a person familiar …

Cyber Bank Thieves Stole $12M from Ecuador Bank in 2015, Using SWIFT System

Shortly after 7 p.m. on January 12, 2015, a message from a secure computer terminal at Banco del Austro (BDA) in Ecuador instructed San Francisco-based Wells Fargo to transfer money to bank accounts in Hong Kong. Wells Fargo complied. Over …

UK Banks Ordered to Update Cyber Security After $81M Bangladesh Bank Heist

The Bank of England ordered UK banks to detail steps taken to secure computers connected to the SWIFT bank messaging network about two months after a still-unidentified group used the system to steal $81 million from Bangladesh Bank, according to …

SWIFT Warns of 2nd Malware Attack, Revealing Hacker Campaign Targeting Banks

SWIFT, the global financial messaging network that banks use to move billions of dollars every day, warned on Thursday of a second malware attack similar to the one that led to February’s $81 million cyber heist at the Bangladesh central …

Investigation of $81M Bangladesh Bank Heist Uncovers 3 Hacker Groups: Sources

Investigators examining the theft of $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank have uncovered evidence of three hacking groups — including two nation states — inside the bank’s network but say it was the third, unidentified group that pulled off the …

Hackers in Bangladesh Bank Cyber Heist Pocketed About $70M; NY Fed Criticized

Hackers are likely to get away with about $70 million of Bangladesh’s foreign reserves after a brazen cyber-attack against the South Asian nation, according to Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith. The Philippines — where most of the funds ended …

Bangladesh Bank Cyber-Heist Hackers Exploited Vulnerabilities in SWIFT Software

The attackers who stole $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank probably hacked into software from the SWIFT financial platform that is at the heart of the global financial system, said security researchers at British defense contractor BAE Systems. SWIFT, …

Malware Used to Steal $80M-Plus in Bangladesh Cyber Bank Heist: Officials

Investigators suspect unknown hackers managed to install malware in the Bangladesh central bank’s computer systems and watched, probably for weeks, how to go about withdrawing money from its U.S. account, two bank officials briefed on the matter said on Friday. …

Senate Bill on Iran Sanctions Targets Banks, Subsidiaries, Insurers

Banking transactions with Iran and financing for its oil shipments could come under tougher scrutiny after a bipartisan sanctions bill easily passed a key U.S. Senate Committee on Thursday. The Senate Banking Committee passed a bill that lawmakers hope will …