Switzerland News

Swiss Re Funds ‘Integrative Risk Management’ Chair

Swiss Re announced today that it will finance a new Chair for Integrative Risk Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). “The Chair will be established to create a world-class global risk management research and education …

Zurich Names Patton, Constantinou to Climate Initiative Team

Zurich Financial Services Group announced the appointment of Lindene Patton and Elpida Constantinou to key positions within its Climate Office, both will report to Michael Kerner, Global Chief Underwriting Officer and Head of Zurich’s Climate Initiative. Patton, 43 and a …

Canadian Researchers Warn of New Arctic Worries

Canada’s massive Mackenzie Delta is feeling the impact of climate change is faster than expected, which could signal problems elsewhere in the Arctic, a Canadian researcher said Thursday. Melting ocean ice is apparently allowing larger storm surges to flood into …

Montpelier Re Names König to Head Europe/Mideast Marketing

Bermuda-based Montpelier Re Holdings Ltd. announced that Gerald König, CEO of Montpelier Europa AG, has been appointed Head of Marketing for Europe and the Middle East, effective May 1, 2008. König joined Montpelier in August 2007 and is the former …

ACE to ‘Re-Domesticate’ Cayman Incorporation to Switzerland

Bermuda-based ACE Limited has announced that its board of directors “has approved a re-domestication of the Company to move its place of incorporation from the Cayman Islands to Zurich, Switzerland. ACE’s shareholders will be asked to vote in favor of …

AIR Estimates Emma Insured Losses at $1.15 to $2 Billion

AIR Worldwide’s preliminary estimates of onshore wind losses for Windstorm Emma are between €750 million and €1.3 billion ($1.15 and $2 billion), significantly higher than the insured loss estimates released by RMS (See IJ web site – https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2008/03/05/87951.htm). Damages in …

Lloyd’s Poll Finds Financial Instability is Main 2008 Risk

According to a recently conducted survey of 138 underwriters, Lloyd’s found that the instability of global financial markets is the single factor that will have the most impact on the insurance industry during 2008. Lloyd’s annual underwriters survey asked the …

AXA Art Offers Security Checks after Swiss Theft

AXA Art, the specialty branch of France’s AXA Group that offers coverage for art works, has issued a bulletin “offering to conduct security protocol assessments of museums in its key markets. The goal is to identify weaknesses and to provide …

RMS Launches ‘Paradex’ Model for European Windstorms

Risk Management Solutions (RMS) announced the launch of “the first parametric index for assessing insured industry losses from windstorms in Europe.” The new model -” Paradex Europe Windstorm” – combines “wind speed measurements in specific locations with industry exposure data, …

Baloise and Gothaer in Merger Talks on German Insurance Operations

The Baloise Group and Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVaG are negotiating about a strategic partnership and a merger of their German insurance activities. A letter of intent has been signed, the companeis said. Both companies are currently conducting due diligence. The outcome …