AP / Reuters News

U.S. Retailers Warned About Hacking Software

More than 1,000 U.S. retailers could be infected with malicious software lurking in their cash register computers, allowing hackers to steal customer financial data, the Homeland Security Department said Friday. The government urged businesses of all sizes to scan their …

U.S. Insurance Regulators May Refuse to Apply Global Capital Rules: NAIC President-Elect Lindeen

The United States may refuse to apply new global capital rules in the world’s biggest insurance market because of the “breakneck speed” they are being pushed through, American regulators said on Monday. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), made …

U.S. Opens Skies to Test Use of Aerial Drones

The U.S. government took a step on Monday toward opening the skies to aerial drones, authorizing six sites where unmanned aircraft can be tested for a variety of uses. The Federal Aviation Administration already had approved limited use of drones …

U.S. Regulator Unveils New Insurance Fee Guidelines

A U.S. housing regulator said on Tuesday that it would ban some fees and commissions that borrowers are compelled to pay when their own home insurance coverage lapses. The Federal Housing Finance Agency said it was aiming to shield homeowners …

U.S. House Strikes Down Republican Farm Bill

Republican budget-cutters joined Democratic defenders of food stamps on Thursday to deal a shocking defeat to the $500 billion farm bill backed by Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, undermining hopes of enacting legislation before the current stop-gap law …

Regulator Says U.S. Should Review Practices of ‘Patent Trolls’

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission should gather information about the business practices of “patent assertion entities,” known as patent trolls, to see whether they are hurting competition, the head of the commission said on Thursday. Patent trolls are companies that …

Big Business the Winner in U.S. Supreme Court Class Actions

In a series of rulings this year, the U.S. Supreme Court has steered a consistent course against consumers or small businesses that want to bring class action lawsuits against corporate defendants. Comcast Corp, Whirlpool Corp and Sears Holdings Corp’s Sears …

High Court Rules for American Express in Class Action Case

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that an arbitration agreement prevents merchants from bringing class action claims against American Express Co . The nine-member court ruled on a 5-3 vote, with liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor recused, that American Express’s …

U.S. Regulators See No Need for Enhanced Insurer Capital

Insurers should not be forced to hold extra capital just because of their size, because the extra cost would simply be passed on to consumers, U.S. regulators said on Tuesday. G20 world leaders have backed imposing extra capital requirements on …

New ‘Obamacare’ Exchanges Could Miss Enrollment Deadline: GAO

New health insurance exchanges being set up by the federal government in more than 30 states under President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare overhaul could miss an Oct. 1 deadline for open enrollment, a government report said on Wednesday. The launch …