systemic risk designations News

Treasury Secretary Yellen Says ‘Systemic’ Tag May Not be Right for Asset Managers

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Wednesday it is important to “look carefully” at systemic risks posed by asset managers, including BlackRock Inc., but said designating them as systematically important financial institutions may not be the right approach. Yellen’s remarks …

House Republicans’ Report Hits ‘Too Big to Fail’ Designation Process

Congressional Republicans are taking aim at the regulatory process through which some financial institutions become subject to heightened regulation because they are deemed too big to fail. In a report released on Tuesday, Republican staff members of the House of …

AIG CEO Hancock Sees Opportunity in MetLife Systemic Risk Win

A judge’s ruling that MetLife Inc. is not “too big to fail” opens up an opportunity for insurer American International Group Inc. to seek an exemption from the tag, AIG Chief Executive Peter Hancock said on CNBC on Thursday. However, …

MetLife Seeks Documents from Systemic Risk Panel

MetLife asked a federal judge on Monday to force the U.S. government to hand over 500 pages of confidential records that relate to financial regulators’ decision to designate the insurance giant as systemically important. In a filing in U.S. District …

House Bill Targets Systemic Risk Panel Transparency

A Republican congressman and a Democratic colleague have introduced a bill to shed more light on the workings of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which watches for emerging threats to market stability. The draft bill by Florida Republican Dennis Ross …

House Passes Bill to Relax Capital Rules for Insurers

A measure that would ease capital and liquidity standards for insurers under the Dodd-Frank Act was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives. The House unanimously passed the bill Wednesday to give the Federal Reserve flexibility in setting the standards. …

Federal Reserve to Study Effect of Banks’ Systemic Risk Rules on Insurers

The U.S. Federal Reserve on Tuesday announced plans to study the potential effects of forcing big insurance companies to meet tough funding restrictions required by the 2010 Dodd-Frank law. The Wall Street oversight law directed regulators to identify big non-bank …

Treasury Chief Lew Backs Financial Regulators and Risk Designations

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew pushed back against Republican efforts to curtail the work of a council of regulators charged with preventing another financial crisis and said a failure to examine potential risks could lead to “large-scale problems.” “If …

MetLife Unwavering in Battle Over Systemic Risk Rules

Steven Kandarian got MetLife Inc. out of banking to escape Federal Reserve oversight. Now, the insurer is fighting again to avoid the central bank’s reach. Kandarian, MetLife’s chief executive officer, has called regulatory uncertainty the primary challenge to meeting profit …

Republicans Fear U.S. ‘Surrender’ to International Group on Systemic Risk Designations

A group of Republican lawmakers demanded documents on Friday from U.S. regulators, voicing concerns that decisions about whether to designate large financial companies as systemically risky are unduly influenced by an international body. Senior members of the U.S. House of …