systemically important insurers (SII’s) News

Threat of U.S. Insurance Regulatory Crackdown Fades Without Democratic ‘Blue Wave’

Insurers appear to have dodged a revival of strict regulations and policy upheavals after an anticipated Democratic “Blue Wave,” which would have allowed progressives to push for broad reforms, failed to materialize on Wednesday, said industry executives. The U.S. presidential …

Solvency II Staggers Towards Finish Line: a Retrospective Analysis

It’s been a long process, but, according to Paul Fisher, deputy head of the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), who supervises insurance and regulatory risk, the introduction of the EU’s Solvency II regulations is nearing completion. In his …

Treasury to Weigh Changes, Hear MetLife Challenge on Systemic Risk

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said a council of financial regulators will consider changes to how it evaluates companies for systemically important designation. The Financial Stability Oversight Council “will begin to consider possible changes in the coming months” after …

FERMA Forum Opens with Solvency II Analysis from Karel Van Hulle

The bi-annual Risk Management Forum of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) kicked off with a reception on Sunday night for the 1400 plus delegates at the MECC Conference Center in the Dutch city of Maastricht. FERMA got …