Taiwan typhoons News

Super Typhoon Saola Lashes Taiwan Before Heading to Hong Kong

Super Typhoon Saola pummeled the south of Taiwan early Wednesday with strong winds and heavy rain, shutting offices and canceling some flights before heading to Hong Kong. Authorities in Taiwan, where no typhoon has made landfall since 2019, closed offices …

Update: Typhoon Doksuri Roars Into China, Destroying Power Lines, Closing Factories

Typhoon Doksuri swept into southern China on Friday, unleashing heavy rain and violent gusts of wind that whipped power lines and sparked fires, uprooted trees, and ripped off part of a stadium roof. The typhoon is the most powerful to …

Update: China Girds for Typoon Doksuri as Death Toll Rises in Philippines

China canceled dozens of flights and trains in preparation for Typhoon Doksuri, which has shuttered much of southern and eastern Taiwan after bringing torrential rain and strong winds to the Philippines. At least 11 people have died in the Philippines, …

Super Typhoon Doksuri Hits Philippines, Heads to China, Taiwan

Philippine authorities on Tuesday evacuated hundreds of people in coastal communities as super typhoon Doksuri intensified in strength, pummeling the north with strong winds and heavy rains before it heads toward Taiwan and China. The southeast Asian nation canceled flights …

Typhoon Doksuri Gains Power as It Threatens Philippines, Taiwan

Doksuri has strengthened further and may intensify into a super typhoon before a possible landfall in northern Philippines en route to Taiwan. The typhoon is moving westward “slowly” with maximum winds of 150 kilometers (93 miles) per hour and gusts …

Update: Taiwan Bridge Collapse Claims 5 Lives with 1 Person Missing

Searchers in Taiwan have recovered five bodies and are looking for one more person missing from three fishing boats that were struck when a bridge collapsed into the water below, authorities said Wednesday. The National Fire Agency said two of …

Bridge in Eastern Taiwan Collapses; Divers Search for Victims

A towering arch bridge over a bay in eastern Taiwan collapsed Tuesday, sending a burning oil tanker truck falling onto boats in the water below. An air force helicopter, fishing vessels and more than 60 military personnel, including divers were …

Typhoon Mitag Lashes Eastern China, Heads to South Korea

After lashing parts of Taiwan and Japan’s southernmost Ryukyu Islands on Monday, Typhoon Mitag is passing eastern China today and then takes aim at South Korea and the remainder of Japan later this week, according to weather.com meteorologists, in a …

Taiwan Prepares for Typhoon Maria, Forcing Cancellation of 250 Flights

Taiwan warned businesses and schools to prepare for extreme conditions as Severe Typhoon Maria closes in on the island, disrupting flights and curtailing futures trading. The typhoon could bring strong winds and heavy rains to northern and central Taiwan, Central …

Super Typhoon Maria Heads Toward Taiwan, Spurring Extreme Weather Warnings

A fierce typhoon is headed in the direction of Taiwan, spurring warnings over extreme weather that risks shuttering schools, businesses and the stock exchange. Super Typhoon Maria could bring strong winds and heavy rains to northern and central Taiwan in …