talking cars News

Citing Lives Saved, Regulators Prepare to Mandate Talking Car Technology

The U.S. Transportation Department moved forward on writing rules that may mandate automakers’ use of talking-car technology, saying more than a thousand lives a year might be saved on the nation’s roadways. Two of the most promising crash-avoidance technologies warning …

Urbanization, Mobility, Gridlock and Predictions of ‘Peak Car’

The world that Henry Ford put on wheels is poised for a stall. In the globe’s growing megacities, pollution and gridlock are putting a damper on driving. In India, some commuters are leaving their cars at home to avoid traffic …

U.S. to Require Cars to Have ‘Talking’ Technology to Prevent Accidents

U.S. regulators will propose rules before President Barack Obama leaves office requiring vehicle- to-vehicle communications systems in new cars, which advocates said may aid safety more than seat belts and air bags. “Vehicle-to-vehicle technology represents the next generation of auto …

U.S. to Propose Standards for Talking Cars

U.S. regulators will take a step toward making talking cars a reality today, as Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx is expected to propose standards for vehicle-to-vehicle communications that could prevent crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration scheduled a news conference …

Safety Board Recommends ‘Talking Vehicles’ Technology in New Models

The government should set performance standards for new safety technology that allows cars and trucks to talk to each other and then require the technology be installed in all new vehicles, a federal accident investigation board recommended this week. The …

Road Tests of ‘Talking’ Cars Underway

Nearly 3,000 cars, trucks and buses that can “talk” began traveling the streets of Ann Arbor, Michigan today as part of a year-long safety pilot project by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The vehicles are equipped with “connected” Wi-Fi technology …

Talking Cars, or V2V, May Help Humans Avoid Crashes

As a safety demonstration, it was a heart-stopper: A Ford Taurus was seconds away from cruising through an intersection when suddenly a row of red lights pulsed on the lower windshield and a warning blared that another car was approaching …

What Did One Car Say to the Other Car?

“Hey, Honda Civic, my friend, stay in your lane. This is a friendly message from the Ford Focus to your right.” “Well hello there, Ms. Lexus. How about letting up on the gas a bit? It’s dark and the roads …