talks News

EU’s Debt Crisis Saps its Ability to Lead Climate Change Debate

The EU’s debt crisis has sapped its ability to lead the way in global climate talks, which began in Doha on Monday, and to build on a fragile victory it clinched a year ago. The European Union is one of …

Services Trade Talks Begin as WTO Seeks Way out of Stalemate

Countries representing 70 percent of the global economy are set to negotiate lower barriers to trade in services after agreeing the structure of a deal, Australian Trade Minister Craig Emerson said in an interview. The push for a deal on …

WTO Director Lamy Says Doha Round Rescue in US, China’s Hands

World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy on Monday acknowledged the Geneva-based grouping has been a “disappointing” forum for trade liberalization but placed the blame for moribund world trade talks on both China and the United States. Lamy, in a …

U.S., Trade Allies Push for International Services Talks

A proposed international agreement to reduce barriers to trade in service sectors ranging from banking to telecommunications [including insurance] would give the global economy a much-needed boost, top trade officials said on Wednesday. “This is a huge opportunity to spur …

Starr’s Greenberg: China ‘Eager to Begin Talks’ on Free Trade Pact with U.S.

China is eager to begin talks on a free trade pact with the United States and key leaders seem willing to step away from the state capitalism Beijing has been pursuing, a senior U.S executive with access to China’s leadership …

EU Foreign Ministers Set Talks on Tanker Insurance for Iran Oil Embargo

EU foreign ministers are expected to discuss how the bloc’s Iran oil embargo will impact shipping insurance when they hold a scheduled meeting next week, an industry source said on Friday. The ministers are due to meet in Brussels next …

EU Says Doha Deal Could Boost World Exports by $505 Billion, If Revived

Moribund talks for a global accord to open up trade could boost world exports by more than half a trillion dollars a year if they were revived and completed, lifting global economic growth by 0.2 percent, an EU report said …

Sarkozy & Merkel Face ‘Stark Choice’ in Euro Zone Talks

The leaders of France and Germany face a stark choice in talks on Tuesday over whether to begin steering the embattled euro zone towards closer fiscal union or risk watching the bloc unravel. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor …

WTO’s Lamy Sees Paralysis in Global Trade Talks

The head of the World Trade Organization castigated its 153 members on Tuesday for failing to agree a watered-down global trade deal by December and called for “an adult conversation” over what to do next. “What we are seeing today …

Climate Talks Floundering without Ministers

Negotiations meant to avert dangerous climate change are stuck over future emissions restrictions in wrangling at meetings below the ministerial level, undermining the U.N.-backed process. The pace of talks has slowed since a two-year campaign for a binding deal ending …