talks News

APEC Members Want to Salvage WTO Talks, Says U.S. Trade Rep

Asia Pacific trade ministers agreed Thursday not to give up on ailing world trade talks but to work over the next seven months on the best way to “salvage” a deal, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said. “While it was …

WTO’s Lamy: Nobody Wants Doha Trade Talks to Fail

Countries locked in long-running trade talks do not want the so-called Doha round to fail but may not have the political will to agree on how to cut industrial tariffs, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday. “What members …

More to Explore for Doha World Trade Deal, EU Says

The European Union presented world trade negotiators with a last-minute plan to rescue stalled free trade talks on Friday, saying there were still avenues of negotiation to explore after 10 years of trying. In a presentation to a key meeting …

Doha Round Trade Talks Deadlock Puts a Price on Free Trade