tankers News

Arctic Ice Melt Lifts Hopes for Russian Maritime Trade

When severe snowstorms prevented life-sustaining fuel supplies from reaching the frozen Alaskan town of Nome, U.S. officials turned to a Russian company for help. The relief mission through perilous, ice-choked seas was the first mid-winter fuel delivery to western Alaska, …

London’s Marine Insurers Say Libya to Stay on ‘High Risk’ List

There is no immediate prospect of Libya being removed from a list of areas deemed high risk by London’s marine insurance market. Underwriters will seek a stable period before looking at de-listing, a market official said on Monday. Libyan government …

Marine Insurers Add Benin to Risk List after Attacks

London’s marine insurance market has added Benin to a list of areas deemed high risk due to an escalation of pirate attacks in the area, a senior official said. Pirates attacked two Panamanian-flagged tankers carrying oil off the coast of …

Special Report: As Pirate Attacks Increase, Ship Owners Take Arms

Upstairs in a public house in the town of Poole on the English south coast, 18 men are preparing to take on the pirates of the Indian Ocean. Around antique polished wooden tables scattered with laminated charts, handouts and smart …

Shipowner Calls for Suez Canal Boycott over Pirate Threat

A leading Norwegian shipowner called on tanker operators to boycott the Suez Canal which he said would force global powers to intervene in Somalia to crush piracy by forcing up oil and commodity prices. The call, which has yet to …