Taoufik Gharib News

Why the Investor-Driven Hard Reinsurance Market Will Persist in 2024

Reinsurers will continue to command adequate rates for property-catastrophe in 2024, even if the market comes through hurricane season unscathed, reinsurance company executives said. Kevin O’Donnell, president and chief executive officer of RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd., and Brian Young, president and …

We Can Work It Out: Negotiations Likely on COVID-19 Reinsurance Losses

Catastrophe excess of loss reinsurance contracts “never anticipated an event like a pandemic,” but cedents can still expect compromises from their reinsurers, an industry executive said Thursday. While cedents and reinsurers may often disagree about how the reinsurance contracts apply, …

Global Reinsurers See Promising Green Shoots in 2019 with ‘Hardening’ Pricing: S&P

Following disappointing reinsurance pricing increases in 2018 and early 2019, it seemed that no amount of catastrophe losses would be sufficient to harden the overall market. However, during this year’s April and June renewals, reinsurers saw some green shoots, with …

January Renewals Saw Rate Hikes of Up to 5%, with More Expected: S&P

Global reinsurance pricing in aggregate was flat to up about 5 percent during the January 2018 renewals, and more price hikes can be expected in loss-affected areas during the year, according to S&P Global Ratings. After last year’s spate of …

Hedge Fund Insurers Struggle in Crowded Market with Poor Investment Results: S&P

Hedge fund firms that set up reinsurance companies will struggle because too many rivals had the same idea and investment results have been disappointing, according to a report from S&P Global Ratings. Money managers entered the reinsurance business to gain …

Brexit Would Create Extra Burden for Reinsurers, Caution CEOs

While insurers and reinsurers will be able to deal with the aftermath of an exit of the U.K. from the European Union, the time and cost involved are unwelcome intrusions to the business, executives suggested here. Plan B might be …

Capital Adequacy Is Key Strength of Reinsurers in Difficult Market: S&P

Strength of capital and good enterprise risk management are two of the main reasons the global reinsurance industry will be able to maintain a stable outlook during 2016 from Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, despite the many competitive pressures it …