tariffs News

Economy in Midwest Still Expanding but Survey Suggests Slowdown

Tariffs and flooding have slowed economic growth in nine Midwest and Plains states, according to a report on a survey of business supply managers. The Mid-America Business Conditions Index dropped to 54.3 in May from 55.9 in April. The figure …

U.S. Firms in China Say Trade Deal Must Address Unequal Treatment

Frustrated U.S. businesses can no longer be counted on as a “positive anchor” in U.S.-China relations, a top U.S. business lobby said on Wednesday, arguing any deal to end trade tensions must address structural problems in China’s economic system. Long …

Louisiana Governor: Tariffs Stifling State’s Ag, Petrochemical Industries

Even as he touted Louisiana’s economic picture, Gov. John Bel Edwards said on Dec. 20 that President Donald Trump’s tariffs are causing “pain” for agricultural and petrochemical industries and stifling the state’s growth. The Democratic governor typically refrains from criticizing …

Trump, EU Agree to Trade Talks; Place Auto Tariffs on Hold

In what the EU chief called a “major concession,” U.S. President Donald Trump agreed on Wednesday to refrain from imposing car tariffs while the two sides launch negotiations to cut other trade barriers, easing the threat of a transatlantic trade …

Auto Insurers Warn Tariffs on Auto Parts Could Raise Insurance Costs

A threat by the U.S. government to impose tariffs of up to 25 percent on imported auto parts could hit consumers in unexpected ways: higher repair costs, insurance premiums and even the theft of more cars for their parts, the …

Trade Credit Insurance Could Get Boost from Trade War

Trade tensions sound like a great opportunity to underwriters of a little-known insurance product. U.S. President Donald Trump set off fears of a global trade war with tariffs on metals and an array of imports from China. As countries ratchet …

China Formalizes Easing of Foreign Investment Curbs on Range of Industries

China is slowly following through on pledges to open up to foreigners, as an impending trade war with the U.S. focuses attention on Beijing’s grip over doing business in the world’s second-largest economy. On Thursday the government formalized the easing …

China to Raise Foreign Ownership Limit in Financial Services by Year-End

China laid out a clearer timetable on Wednesday for opening its financial sector to more foreign investment by the end of 2018, as Beijing looks to fend off growing criticism from the United States and others that it unfairly limits …

China’s Xi Maintains Commitment to Open Economy, Insurance Industry

Chinese President Xi Jinping promised on Tuesday to open the country’s economy further and lower import tariffs on products including cars, in a speech seen as an attempt to defuse an escalating trade dispute with the United States. While most …

U.S. Considers Removing All Tariffs for Poor Nations

The U.S. government said on Friday it is investigating the probable economic effects of eliminating all tariffs and quotas on goods from the world’s least-developed countries (LDCs). The U.S. International Trade Commission said it would report its findings to the …