Report: 244M in U.S. Felt at Least One July Day with Temps Likely Due to Climate Change

Eight-in-10 people around the globe in July were exposed to one day or more of heat made at least three times more likely by climate change, and 244 million people in the U.S. experienced at least one such day in …

How the Insurance Universe Deals With Evolving Risks and Dispositions

Insurers have come a long way on climate change, but they have a long way to get where we need to be to deal with a more hazardous planet. That was the assessment from Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler, a …

CSAA in California Outlines Carbon Reduction and Climate Commitments in ESG Report

CSAA Insurance Group in California announced a commitment to achieving a 50% reduction in carbon emissions and carbon neutrality by 2025 on the heels of the release of its 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance report. The report details progress across …

California Insurance Commissioner Launches Report and Site Outlining Insurer Fossil Fuel Investments

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Monday issued a new report and webpage detailing insurer investments in fossil fuels. The report is a study of fossil fuel investments by insurers, identifying insurance company holdings in green bonds that support clean …

AIG Releases Its First Environmental, Social and Governance Report

The International Renewable Energy Agency says a surge in private lending for renewable energy projects this decade is a must in order to meeting global targets to limit the rise of temperatures worldwide. That’s according to a Bloomberg Green report …

Washington, California Urge Insurers to Adopt Task Force Climate Reporting Guidelines

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler and California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara are askikng all insurers that are currently required to report to them annually on climate change to start reporting their climate risks in alignment with the Task Force on …