Tech Talk News

Tech Talk: The Real Threat to Agents from Amazon

Amazon may be close to jumping back into insurance, at least in India, with this month’s announcement of a possible investment in an online-only insurance startup. Whether the retailing behemoth is or isn’t, however, is largely irrelevant because its influence …

Tech Tips to Reach Millennials: Tech Talk

Independent agents are slowly accepting the fact that they need to reach out to millennials more effectively. Much of the generation that is now between the ages of 20-36 is entering its prime earning years and starting families and buying …

Tech Talk: Speed-to-Value and the AI Revolution

The term “speed-to-value” has been around as a management maxim for decades but is being reborn in the digital age — and its application for agents today is perfectly timed. Here’s why. Speed-to-value refers to the need to continually develop …

Looking at Insurtech the Wrong Way

Insurtechs stimulate a lot of debate among agents about the extent to which they pose a threat and what should be done to address it. Some dismiss the threat by analyzing flaws in a particular venture or mocking past studies …

Tech Talk: How to Use Digital Body Language

“When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Agents pride themselves on their sales skills — to meet a prospect face-to-face, take their measure, …

Tech Talk: Why Real-Time Binding Delivers Immediate Value

For independent agents, optimum use of technology delivers a multitude of benefits, including streamlined back-office operations and more effective marketing outreach. Yet one benefit, arguably the most powerful, is often overlooked — that of producing tangible and immediate value to …

Tech Talk: 2017 Marks the Digital Tipping Point

2017 will mark the tipping point in agents’ efforts to adapt to the digital marketplace. Agents are no longer talking about why they should become “digitally- savvy” but how best to do it. Agents are also concentrating most on two …

ACORD CEO Pieroni on the Industry’s Digital Transformation

Bill Pieroni, CEO of ACORD, is on a mission — not to “push” the industry toward digital transformation but rather to marshal its inherent strengths and enable carriers, agents and brokers to implement standards and digital best practices to their …

Tech Talk: Insurtech Competition and New Cyber Security Threats Pose Increased Challenges

Having just returned from the combined meetings of the Agents Council for Technology (ACT) and the ACORD conference earlier this month, I am struck with two lasting impressions. First, those in the industry who dismissed the rise of the so-called …

Tech Talk: Digital Transformation 2.0

The just released Insurance Digital Transformation Study (available at sheds light on why agents struggle with adapting to digital technology. As we have discussed extensively, agents must master digital tools to stay competitive, so we asked the study’s three …