technology risk News

Guy Carpenter Report Examines Major Emerging Risks Facing Re/Insurers

A report published by Guy Carpenter & Co., released Sept. 2015, identified four key areas of emerging risk for re/insurers: cyber risk, technology risk, casualty catastrophe and reserving, and life, health and longevity risk. In the report, titled “A Clearer …

Technology, Supply Chain & Regulation Top ACE Europe’s List of EMEA Risks

A list, compiled by the ACE European Group, sets out the “new wave of interrelated, fast-changing risks, reflecting rapid changes in the global economic landscape and the increasing role of technology and multinational expansion as growth drivers, tops the list …

Cyber Coverage Demand Increased in 2013, Trend to Continue in 2014: Marsh

Demand for cyber insurance rose by 21 percent across all industries in 2013 compared to 2012, and early indications in 2014 are that the buying trend is accelerating, according to a Marsh Risk Management Research report. Marsh found that financial …

The Top Risks Americans Face in Their Everyday Lives: Travelers Index

Sixty-three percent of Americans believe their world is becoming a riskier place, while only 15 percent feel it is less risky. Americans’ greatest concerns are financial security, loss of privacy and identity theft, personal safety and the increased frequency of …

The Hartford Broadens Professional Liability Offerings for Tech Companies

The Hartford has enhanced its FailSafe suite of professional liability offerings to address the evolving needs of technology companies with expanded coverage for data, systems and networks. “Professional liability is one of the most significant risks for technology companies today,” …

Conservative Oklahoma Lawmaker, ACLU Team Up on Privacy Rights

A conservative Oklahoma lawmaker and the American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma are working together to advance legislation to privacy rights of Oklahomans in the face of rapidly advancing technology. State Rep. Paul Wesselhoft announced three bills aimed at privacy …

Expert Assesses Cyberinsurance Market: Demand, Prevention, Recovery

Demand for cyberinsurance was rising even before the most recent highly-publicized parade of breaches at major corporations and organizations. After the news of the first major Sony hack but before the subsequent reports involving Sony, Citicorp, the International Monetary Fund …

Risk of Cyber Attacks Escalation Rises as Technology Outpaces Policy

From the satellite pictures on Google Earth, Jinan looks like any other Chinese city — sprawling construction sites, massive factory blocks, apartment buildings, a university, dozens of railway lines and wide-open plazas. But according to the Internet giant, somewhere in …