teen drivers News

How Much Teen Drivers Add to Parents’ Auto Insurance Bill by State

Teenagers are risky drivers who are very expensive to insure but rates for insuring teens have come down, according to a report from online auto insurance site insuranceQuotes. The study found that U.S. families who add a young driver to …

Focus Is on Teens in Missouri Anti-Distracted Driving Campaign

Stressing the financial consequences resulting from an auto accident, the Missouri Department of Insurance is focusing on distracted driving and teens in its latest safety campaign. The department’s MO Eyes on the Road campaign PSA features a teen whose insurance …

Louisiana Holding Theft Prevention Video Contest for Teen Drivers

The Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) and the Louisiana Automobile Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority (LATIFPA) are also encouraging teen drivers to “Park Smart” with the launch of a new high school video competition this upcoming school semester. The …

Cell Phone, Other Distractions Greater Threat to Teen Drivers

Teens may begin their driving habits with great caution but as months behind the wheel pass, they begin to multitask at higher frequency rates – dialing cell phones, eating, and talking to passengers – and therefore greatly raise their risk …

Driver Fatigue Causes 20% of Auto Crashes: Study

A 100-car “naturalistic” driving study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute says that fatigue is a cause of 20 percent of car crashes, rather than the two or three percent previously estimated based on surveys, simulator studies and test …

Young Drivers Know Risks But Text Anyway: Survey

Most young American drivers agree that it is dangerous to text while driving, but nearly a third admit they do it anyway, a survey by Consumer Reports shows. While eight in 10 said they knew of the risks, about 29 …

Number of Teens Getting Licenses at 16 Dropping in Indiana

As soon as he was old enough, Blake Whitson, a senior at Jefferson High School in Lafayette, Ind., couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel. With driving school being a little out of his budget, Whitson practiced for six months …

30% of Teen Drivers in Crashes Suffer Head Injuries: Study

Thirty percent of teens involved in serious car crashes suffer head injuries, including concussion, skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), new research from medical and insurance experts says. While the report by The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and …

Peers as Passengers Studies Support Graduated Licenses for Teen Drivers

Two new studies support the efforts of states in imposing restrictions on teen driving. Teens who drive with peers as passengers have increased risks of crashing, previous research has shown. Many states have responded by creating graduated driver licensing laws …

Fatal Crash Spotlights New Jersey’s Teen Driving Law

A New Jersey law barring drivers under 18 from having more than one passenger is in the spotlight after an SUV driven by a 17-year-old and carrying seven teenagers crashed. The driver and three passengers died in last Saturday’s accident. …