teenage drivers News

Teen Crash Risk Highest First 3 Months After Getting License

Teenage drivers are eight times more likely to be involved in a collision or near miss during the first three months after getting a driver’s license, compared to the previous three months on a learner’s permit, suggests a study led …

Teen Drivers Getting in Fewer Accidents in Massachusetts

Massachusetts state officials say the number of accidents involving newly licensed teenage drivers has dropped by half since 2007 when Massachusetts boosted the amount of training required of young drivers and stiffened penalties for traffic infractions. Drivers age 16 and …

Safety Groups Say Teen Traffic Deaths Rising in Virginia

Safety groups are urging teenage drivers in Virginia to wear seat belts and slow down following a sharp increase in fatal wrecks. Preliminary statistics show that traffic accidents killed 11 people ages 16 to 20 between Jan.1 and Jan. 24. …