temperature rise News

IPCC Publishes Full Report on Climate Change Mitigation Options

Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the full version of its contribution “Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change” to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report in its final format. “As the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference …

Some Future Effects of Climate Change Are Inevitable: World Bank

Some future impacts of climate change, such as more extremes of heat and sea level rise, are unavoidable even if governments act fast to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the World Bank said. Past and predicted emissions from power plants, factories …

UNEP Report: Global Action Needed to Close 8-12 Billion Ton Emissions Gap

Greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 will be 8 billion to 12 billion tons more than the level needed to keep global warming to only 2 degrees Celsius [3.6°F] and avoid severe climate change, a United Nations report estimated on Tuesday. …