temperatures News

Climate is ‘Changing before our Eyes’ Says World Meteorological Organization

The fact that Arctic sea ice has melted this year to its lowest recorded level shows, along with other weather extremes, that “climate change is taking place before our eyes,” the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Wednesday. The first …

Global Investors Call for Action on Serious Climate Danger

A coalition of the world’s largest investors called on governments on Tuesday to ramp up action on climate change and boost clean-energy investment or risk trillions of dollars in investments and disruption to economies. In an open letter, the alliance …

WMO Expects El Nino Development in Sept-Oct

An El Nino event, usually associated with significant changes in rainfall, is likely to develop this month and next in the Pacific, affecting global climate patterns, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Tuesday. The phenomenon, characterized by unusually warm …

Climate Change Poses Risks to Food Supplies Beyond U.S. Drought

Downpours and heat waves caused by climate change could disrupt food supplies from the fields to the supermarkets, raising the risk of more price spikes such as this year’s leap triggered by drought in the United States. Food security experts …

Evidence for Climate Extremes, Costs, Gets More Local

Scientists are finding evidence that man-made climate change has raised the risks of individual weather events, such as floods or heat waves, marking a big step towards pinpointing local costs and ways to adapt to freak conditions. “We’re seeing a …

Chancellor Merkel Warns of Increased Global Warming if no Climate Deal

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Monday that global warming will accelerate at a dramatic rate unless leaders reach a deal on limiting greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible. After marathon talks in Durban last December, countries agreed to …

Weather Forecasters Say El Nino Could Return in Q3

The feared El Nino weather phenomenon could strike as early as the third quarter of 2012, raising prospects of wreaking weather havoc from North and South America to Asia, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center (CPC) said on Thursday. “Overall, the …

Scientists Conclude Rise in Sea Level Cannot Be Stopped

Rising sea levels cannot be stopped over the next several hundred years, even if deep emissions cuts lower global average temperatures, but they can be slowed down, climate scientists said in a study on Sunday. A lot of climate research …

Main Points of Agreement from Rio+20 Summit Show Little Progress

Global leaders on Friday wrapped up a United Nations development summit with little to show but a lackluster agreement, as critics scorned governments for showing no urgency to tackle climate change as well as food and water scarcity. Nearly 100 …

U.N. Sounds Environment Alarm Ahead of Rio Summit

Population growth, urbanization and consumption are set to inflict irreversible damage on the planet, the United Nations said on Wednesday, and called for urgent agreement on new environmental targets at an Earth summit this month. The U.N. Environment Program sounded …