Tepco News

What’s Happening at Fukushima Nuclear Plant 12 Years After Meltdown?

Twelve years after the triple reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan is preparing to release a massive amount of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea. Japanese officials say the release is unavoidable and should start soon. …

Japan Indicates Delay of Fukushima Plant Water Release

Japan has revised the timing of a planned release to the sea of treated but still radioactive wastewater at the Fukushima nuclear power plant to “around spring or summer,” indicating a delay from the initial target of this spring, after …

Japan’s Government Not Liable for Damages From Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Court

Japan’s government is not liable for damages demanded by people whose lives were devastated by the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the country’s top court said on Friday, the first such ruling in a series of similar cases. The ruling’s effect as …

Japan Approves Plan to Release Wastewater From Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

TOKYO (AP) – Japan’s nuclear regulator on Wednesday approved plans by the operator of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant to release its treated radioactive wastewater into the sea next year, saying the outlined methods are safe and risks to the …

Japan’s Top Court Orders Damages of $12M for Fukushima Victims in Landmark Decision

Japan’s Supreme Court upheld an order for utility Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) to pay damages of 1.4 billion yen ($12 million) to about 3,700 people whose lives were devastated by the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the first decision of its kind. …

Team of Nuclear Experts to Visit Wrecked Fukushima Plant to Check Water Release Plan

A team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency will visit Japan’s wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant next week to review plans to begin releasing more than a million tons of treated radioactive water into the sea, a mission …

Operator of Japan’s Crippled Fukushima Nuclear Plant Face Another Setback in Clean-up

The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant has found that a coolant solution, used to create an ice wall halting the seepage of groundwater into reactor buildings, has leaked from two storage tanks. The leakage has had no …

Japan’s Fukushima Farmers Fear Contaminated Water Release Will Hit Produce Prices

IWAKI, Japan – Farmers in Japan’s northeastern Fukushima fear the release of water from the crippled power plant there could revive concerns about contamination and again hit the price of their produce, undoing a decade of slow recovery from nuclear …

How Dangerous Is Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant After 10 Years of Cleanup?

OKUMA, Japan – A decade ago, a massive tsunami crashed into the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Three of its reactors melted down, leaving it looking like a bombed-out factory. Emergency workers risked their lives trying to keep one of …

10 Years After Disaster, Fukushima Nuclear Plant Operator Continues Cleanup

Tepco, the operator of Japan’s wrecked Fukushima atomic plant, said it had successfully removed spent uranium fuel from a damaged reactor building in a key step in its clean up of the site after a nuclear disaster a decade ago. …