Tepco News

Japan Aims for Tepco Compensation Scheme this Week

Japan’s trade minister said he was aiming for cabinet approval this week of a government-backed scheme to help Tokyo Electric Power pay for damages caused by the crisis at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Earlier on Wednesday Tokyo Electric said …

Japan’s Edano: No limit on Tepco Nuclear Compensation Claims

Japan’s government will not put a cap on the liabilities faced by Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) for damages stemming from its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said on Monday. Under Japanese law, the …

Japan Plans State-Backed Insurer to Save TEPCO

Japan plans to set up a government-backed insurance fund to put money into Tokyo Electric Power and pay compensation stemming from the disaster at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the Nikkei newspaper said. Aimed at saving Tokyo Electric from collapse, …

Tokyo Electric Power’s Liability May Be Capped

Japan may cap Tokyo Electric Power’s liability to as little as $24 billion for damages stemming from its crippled nuclear plant, the Yomiuri newspaper reported, citing a draft plan being considered by the plant operator and the government. Shares of …

Tokyo Nuclear Plant Company Could Face $23 Billion in Losses

Tokyo Electric Power could face 2 trillion yen ($23.6 bln) in special losses in the current business year to March 2012 to compensate communities near its crippled nuclear plant, JP Morgan said in a research report obtained by Reuters. Shares …

Japan Nuclear Crisis to Trigger Huge Civil Damage Claims

Japan’s nuclear crisis is likely to lead to one of the country’s largest and most complex ever set of claims for civil damages, handing a huge bill to the fiscally strained government and debt-laden plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. …