Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act News

Government Spending Bill Includes Flood, TRIA Renewals and Obamacare Taxes Repeal

Congress is planning to use a $1.4 trillion package of two must-pass spending bills to repeal Obamacare taxes, raise the age for tobacco purchases to 21 and extend the U.S. Export-Import Bank for seven years, according to legislation released Monday. …

Industry Applauds House Panel Backing of Terrorism Reinsurance Renewal

Insurance carriers and agents are applauding a House committee vote advancing a bipartisan measure to renew the federal terrorism reinsurance program. The House Financial Services Committee unanimously (57-0) passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (H.R. 4634), which would …

What Might Happen If Congress Fails to Renew Terrorism Reinsurance Program

The long-term viability of the U.S. property terrorism insurance market is back in the spotlight as Congress looks at renewing the federal reinsurance backstop, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA), which is set to expire in Dec. 31, …

Marsh: Industry Must Adapt to Meet Changing Terrorist Threats

The federal terrorism reinsurance program in 2015 has helped maintain certainty and stability for the U.S. market even as the nature of terrorist acts has changed, according to global insurance broker Marsh in its latest report. However must continue to …

ISO to Collect Terrorism Insurance Data for Treasury

The property/casualty insurance data and rating organization ISO will collect and help analyze terrorism data this year for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the federal agency charged with gauging the effectiveness of the federal terrorism risk insurance program. ISO, …

New York Regulator Surveying Insurers on TRIA Risk

New York’s Financial Services Superintendent Benjamin Lawsky has directed insurers that are licensed to write commercial property or liability business lines in the state to submit information on how they are responding to Congress’ failure so far to reauthorize the …

Conn. Regulator: TRIA Renewal Must Be a Top Priority for New Congress

Connecticut’s deputy insurance commissioner sent a letter to the state’s Congressional delegates last week, asking that the delegation impress upon its leadership in the House and Senate the urgency with which the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) must be reauthorized …

With TRIA Renewal Efforts Killed, Some Predict Market Chaos

Property/casualty insurance industry groups, business associations and observers alike were quick to condemn the death of TRIA renewal for 2014. Without federal terrorism reinsurance in place for 2015, they predicted canceled coverage, market chaos and more unless the measure can …

House Passes TRIA Renewal With Higher Government Trigger, Insurers’ Co-Pay

The U.S. House voted Dec. 10 to extend by six years a federal backstop for insurers offering coverage against terrorism, advancing efforts to retain a program created in response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. House lawmakers passed the …

House Releases Terrorism Insurance Bill But Senate Uncertain

House leaders released a proposed six-year extension of a federal program to insure property against the risk of terrorism, including a Republican proposal to revise a bank regulatory law. The measure will be brought to the the House floor tomorrow, …