Terrorism News

Lloyd’s Warns of Perils Related to Electric Grid Transformer Failure

A bulletin on the Lloyd’s of London web site (www.lloyds.com) warns that a “major transformer failure can wreak havoc, causing power shortages or outages affecting millions of homes and businesses and costing many millions of pounds.” Transformers are an essential …

Japan Analyzing Damage to Tanker in Hormuz Strait

Checks on a Japanese oil tanker, damaged by a mystery explosion near the Strait of Hormuz oil shipping route, found a soot-like substance in a large dent in its hull, the Transport Ministry in Tokyo said on Wednesday. (See IJ …

Chartis Enhances Coverage for Network Security, Privacy Risks

Chartis is expanding Specialty Risk Protector, its professional liability and data network security insurance coverage developed by its Executive Liability division, to give customers access to additional protection for critical network security and privacy risks, greater flexibility in managing data …

Snapshot: Declarations

Health Care Challenge “While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to distill to the single question of whether or not Congress has the power to regulate — and tax — a citizen’s decision not to …

NAS Expands Regulatory Business Interruption Coverage

NAS has expanded its Regulatory Business Interruption (RBI) product to include coverage for mandatory and voluntary evacuation. RBI provides companies with extra expense protection, on a per day basis, for business interruption or interference due to business closure by a …

New York Uses Technology in DMV to Snag Thieves, Hit Man

New York’s face-recognition technology has led to 100 arrests over six months, ranging from people trying to defraud insurance companies to a mob hit man who sought a new identity a day after he was released from prison, Gov. David …

RMS Terrorism Risk Model Includes More International Cities

Newark, Calif.-based Risk Management Solutions has enhanced its terrorism risk model, adding in more details for international cities and higher resolution hazard information and refinements to human exposure and building vulnerability based on data from recent attacks. The International Probabilistic …

Insurers Await Report on Japanese Tanker Attack

A suspected militant strike on a Japanese-owned tanker illustrates how vulnerable merchant ships are to attack on the high seas with navies stretched fighting Somali piracy, analysts and shipping sources said on Friday. There have been growing concerns for maritime …

Cruise Ships Traveling In Changing Legal, Security Climate

Crime on cruise ships is rare, considering 10 million North Americans sailed last year. But some crime victims believe that justice also is rare — due to overlapping investigative powers, difficulty obtaining evidence and witnesses, and a lack of sworn …

Mitsui O.S.K. Chief: Terrorism a Possibility in Damaged Tanker

The head of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd said he does not rule out the possibility that terrorism was behind an explosion that damaged a Japanese supertanker, the Nikkei business daily said on Friday. “We do not have the authority to …