Terrorism News

Bank Style Regulations Would Raise Insurance Costs, Analyst Says

Bank style regulation on property/casualty insurers would lead to significant policy error, says a leading insurance industry econmist. “Bank style regulation would needlessly raise insurance costs for hundreds of millions of insurance consumers and could unfairly require insurers to subsidize …

Chiquita Faces New $1 Billion Lawsuit by Colombian Families

Nearly 250 Colombians who say they and relatives were victims of violence by Colombian right-wing paramilitaries have filed a lawsuit seeking more than $1 billion in damages from the Chiquita banana company, which has admitted making payments to paramilitaries. The …

West Virginia Mine Death Toll Reaches 29; Grieving Begins

Time stopped five days ago for the families of 29 coal miners killed in the devastating explosion at Upper Big Branch mine. As thousands waited, hoping for any word someone might have survived Monday’s blast, life in coal country chugged …

As Surveillance Cameras Catch On, Florida Police Catch Criminals

The eyewitnesses are everywhere, watching everything. Break-ins. Bank heists. Convenience store robberies, purse snatchings and shopping sprees charged on stolen credit cards. All these incidents and more caught in the unflinching gaze of surveillance cameras. “In this day and age, …

International Insider: Multinationals and Money Laundering

As the international community steps up its efforts to fight money laundering, a number of countries are now requiring insurers to obtain additional information from their customers to screen out possible bad actors. For multinationals interested in doing business in …

Hospitality Risks: A Game for Captives

Why a Captive Solution Might Grow Your Hospitality Book, and Revenue Too Hospitality owners have concerns with retaining risk that they cannot transfer to the insurance market and owners are looking for legitimate ways to preserve their firms’ assets or …

New York City Suspends Operator’s License After Crane Strike

The operator of a crane that tilted and hit a 25-story building near Wall Street, sending debris plummeting to the ground and causing several evacuations, had his license suspended Sunday because he didn’t secure the crane properly, a Department of …

Terrorism Insurance Market in State of Uncertainty

The threat of terrorism in the U.S. is rising but the future of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is in question. At a time when top U.S. officials warn of an imminent attack that might be hard to prevent, …

No Injuries as Crane Strikes 25-Story New York City Building

A listing crane struck the side of a 25-story building near Wall Street on Saturday, sending debris cascading to the ground, disrupting traffic and leading to evacuations at five buildings. There were no injuries reported after the crane hit a …

Insurers Disagree With Calif. Over Divesture of Iranian Investments

California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner announced that 460 insurers have agreed in writing to a moratorium on future investments in 50 companies identified by the California Department of Insurance (CDI) to be doing business with the Iranian energy, nuclear and …