Terrorism News


Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina named Kelley L. Erstine chief executive officer. Erstine assumed the association’s CEO responsibilities Oct. 15 and replaces Bob Bird upon his retirement after 25 years of service to IIANC. Erstine served as executive vice …

Bright Spots and Challenges Go Hand in Hand in Louisiana

Despite the challenges faced by the state of Louisiana since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita wrought their havoc in 2005, there are bright spots in the state’s property casualty insurance industry, says Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon. The workers’ compensation …

Aon Redomiciles White Rock RRG from Gibraltar to Malta

Aon announced that part of its White Rock operation, described as a “unique group of insurance and reinsurance vehicles with operations in key domiciles including Bermuda, Gibraltar, Guernsey and Luxembourg,” has been redomiciled. The move only affects White Rock Insurance …

New York Insurance Chief Seeks Contract Certainty for Large Policies

New York officials are putting pressure on insurers and brokers to sew up the details of most large commercial insurance policies and deliver finished contracts to customers within 30 days of inception to avoid uncertainty over what’s covered and what’s …

Crime Bureau Names Schweitzer Senior Vice President, COO

Joe Wehrle, president and CEO Officer of the National Insurance Crime Bureau, recently announced the appointment of James K. Schweitzer as senior vice president and Chief Operating Officer (COO)for NICB. As former director of the South Carolina Department of Public …

Aon Announces Products Geared to Economic Crisis

Aon Risk Services announced that it has “developed a range of new products to respond to the recent economic volatility. The series of product suites is designed to help companies mitigate and deal with the risks they face from rapidly …

The Truth About AIG and Pennsylvania’s P/C Markets

As problems began unfolding at American International Group last month, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Joel Ario was tapped to be the vice chairman of a special task force of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to oversee possible sales of the …

Bermuda Lauds IMF’s Positive Assessment of Regulations

The Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) issued a bulletin welcoming the recently released report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which gave the island high marks for its regulatory system. The bulletin noted that the IMF had conducted a special assessment …

Feds: Construction Deaths Slowed in New York

Despite a string of high-profile construction site deaths – punctuated earlier this year by the collapses of tower cranes in two separate incidents – a new federal reports says construction deaths fell by nearly half in New York City last …


Hospitality Mutual Insurance Co. in Westborough, Mass., named John W. Tympanick president and chief executive officer. He has also been appointed to the company’s board of directors. Hospitality Mutual, a mutual insurance company serving the hospitality industry, replaced the Liquor …