Terrorism News

Actuaries Challenged by Terrorism, Natural Catastrophe Insurance Plans

Congressional consideration of renewing the federal terrorism risk insurance program poses a number of political and actuarial issues, while reserving actuaries continue to face significant challenges when dealing with large catastrophic events such as natural catastrophes, attendees of the Casualty …

N.Y. City Restarts Site Inspections, Uncovers Safety Problems

The New York City Fire Department has uncovered more than 120 fire hazards and shut down construction sites at twice the normal rate since it restarted its inspections program less than two months ago. After a deadly blaze exposed dangerous …

RAND Study Finds Taxpayers, Policyholders Benefit from Terrorism Insurance Backstop

Taxpayers save money and businesses are better protected with the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) in place than if the act is allowed to expire, according to a recent study by RAND Corp. The analysis found that TRIA, authorized by …

Ascot Underwriting Ltd. Opens Energy-Focused Office in Houston

London-based Ascot Underwriting Ltd. has created new subsidiary in Houston, Texas – Ascot Underwriting Inc. The company said the move is part of Ascot’s plan to establish local underwriting platforms, and follows the launch of a unit Singapore. In addition …

Workable competition

Declarations “We all like competition when it works but we’ve seen enough failures to know that without proper safeguards, businesses will seek to add to their bottom line at the expense of the public and the consumer.” — Deirdre Cummings, …

From the Big Apple to the Corn State

From the executive office of the Greater New York Mutual Insurance Companies on Madison Avenue in the heart of New York City, Warren Heck, chairman and chief executive officer, can see Illinois. “It’s fantastic, unbelievable. I get very excited when …

Consumer advice

Declarations “The reality is that Citizens offers a one-size-fits-all policy that often leaves coverage gaps and there is a higher probability that assessments could wipe out any perceived savings.” — Jeff Grady, Florida Association of Insurance Agents, upon his group’s …


Consumer advice “The reality is that Citizens offers a one-size-fits-all policy that often leaves coverage gaps and there is a higher probability that assessments could wipe out any perceived savings.” — Jeff Grady, Florida Association of Insurance Agents, upon his …

From the Big Apple to the Corn State

From the executive office of the Greater New York Mutual Insurance Companies on Madison Avenue in the heart of New York City, Warren Heck, chairman and chief executive officer, can see Illinois. “It’s fantastic, unbelievable. I get very excited when …


Workable competition “We all like competition when it works but we’ve seen enough failures to know that without proper safeguards, businesses will seek to add to their bottom line at the expense of the public and the consumer.” — Deirdre …