Terrorism News

UK’s Pool Re Renews Reinsurance Cover for Another 3 Years

Pool Re announced it has renewed the reinsurance cover purchased in 2015, for a further three years. The renewed cover, which now includes an additional layer, provides £1.95 billion ($2.8 billion) of commercial reinsurance compared with £1.8 billion ($2.6 billion) …

Airplane Bomb Targeted Western Intelligence Officials: Al-Shabaab Statement

Al-Shabaab militants claimed responsibility for the bombing of a Daallo Airlines airplane, saying in a statement the attack was part of an operation aimed at dozens of Western intelligence officials and Turkish NATO forces flying to Djibouti. An English-language release …

EU Security Chiefs Warn that Terrorist Attacks Highly Likely in Europe

Islamic State and other militants are very likely to attempt big new attacks in Europe following those in Paris, the EU’s police agency said on Monday, echoing previous warnings by senior security officials. The assessment was based on discussions concluded …

State-Backed Terrorism Reinsurance Fund Likely to Aid Paris Firms in Recovery

Parisian businesses struggling after the Nov. 13 attacks are likely to be able to make successful insurance claims, helped by a state-backed fund set up in the wake of the Sept. 11 2001 attacks in New York. The carnage in …

Islamic State’s Business Model Must Be Disrupted: Bloomberg Editorial

What it means for a European nation and member of NATO to declare war against a stateless band of terrorists is an interesting and important question, made urgent by Islamic State’s brutal attack on Paris last Friday. As Europe and …

Global Acts of Terrorism Cost $52.9 Billion in 2014 – Highest Price Since 9/11

In the wake of Friday’s massacre in Paris, a new report says the world is paying the highest price for terrorism since the 2001 attack on New York’s Twin Towers. In 2014, acts of terror cost the world $52.9 billion …

History Shows Economies Are Resilient After Terrorist Attacks

The French economy has history on its side. From the attacks of September 11 to those on Spain in March 2004 and London in July 2005, industrial economies have proven more resilient to terrorism than first feared, according to those …

Russian Air Crash Bomb Theories Highlight Insider Threat to Aviation Security

The possibility that Islamic terrorists smuggled a bomb onto a Russian jet flying home from Egypt highlights a new area of worry for aviation security: the insider threat. Instead of focusing on a small cadre of al-Qaeda forces trying to …

Emerging Economies to Face Difficult Stress Test: Willis Political Risk Index

“Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe top a list of 40 politically risky territories and destinations for foreign investment,” according to a report from Willis Group Holdings. The findings appear in the latest edition of the Willis Political Risk Index, which is …

UK Insurers to Stress Test Capital Reserves Against Synchronized Terrorist Attack

UK regulators have asked property and casualty insurers to stress test their capital reserves against catastrophes, including a synchronized terrorist attack in London, New York and one other major city. The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published the exercises last week …