Terrorism News

Rolling NBCR

“Rolling NBCR [nuclear-biological-chemical-radioactive coverage] into terrorism coverage will likely result in significantly increased premiums and would likely have the unintended consequence of reducing the take-up rate for terrorism insurance. Requiring any retention of NBCR risk by primary insurers (even where …

18 holes of tips and trivia to get a hole-in-one with prospects and clients

Avid golfers and reluctant duffers alike spend hours each year on the golf course, entertaining prospects and clients. Are you making the most of all that time? Before your next round — whether for league or club play, relaxation, or …

Fire in Abandoned Skyscraper Kills Two

Health risks from asbestos and other toxic materials were questioned Sunday following the blaze that killed two firefighters in an abandoned skyscraper being dismantled next to the World Trade Center. Results from air-quality tests around the building in lower Manhattan …


Rolling NBCR “Rolling NBCR [nuclear-biological-chemical-radioactive coverage] into terrorism coverage will likely result in significantly increased premiums and would likely have the unintended consequence of reducing the take-up rate for terrorism insurance. Requiring any retention of NBCR risk by primary insurers …

18 holes of tips and trivia to get a hole-in-one with prospects and clients

Avid golfers and reluctant duffers alike spend hours each year on the golf course, entertaining prospects and clients. Are you making the most of all that time? Before your next round — whether for league or club play, relaxation, or …

N.Y. Extends Workers’ Comp Eligibility Deadline for 9/11 Responders

World Trade Center responders now have another year — until August 14, 2008 — to file the paperwork needed to claim workers’ compensation benefits if they become ill in the future. The registration deadline would have been August 14 of …

Candidate Giuliani Says He Misspoke About Ground Zero Health Risk

Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said Friday that he misspoke when he said he spent as much time, if not more, at ground zero exposed to the same health risks as workers combing the site after the Sept. 11 attacks. …

Managing energy industry risk in a volatile world

The world has experienced rapid and profound changes in recent years, and the energy industry has been no exception. Climate changes (including global warming), market fluctuations, ever-increasing business mergers and acquisitions, natural disasters, terrorism threats, war, political risk, increasing regulatory …


Declarations Good drivers “It neither affirms the status quo nor jumps headlong or without controls into the Wild West of competition. The idea is to advantage good drivers and make sure we are not harming good drivers wherever they are.” …


More on scores “The growing use of credit-based insurance scores affects millions of consumers. We look forward to hearing from a range of perspectives including state insurance regulators, consumer advocacy groups and industry on this important issue.” — U.S. Representative …