Terrorism News

Congress should consider “guiding principles” for TRIEA

The Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism (CIAT) and the American Insurance Association (AIA) jointly announced on April 24 that the two organizations have agreed on a set of common principles to be considered by Congress as it prepares to take …


Sometimes a plaintiff “While the state is often a defendant in civil cases, and we welcome reform efforts in many regards, it is important to remember that the state is sometimes a plaintiff. … Our ability to pursue actions on …

Congress should consider “guiding principles” for TRIEA

The Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism (CIAT) and the American Insurance Association (AIA) jointly announced on April 24 that the two organizations have agreed on a set of common principles to be considered by Congress as it prepares to take …

Congress should consider ‘guiding principles’ for TRIEA

The Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism (CIAT) and the American Insurance Association (AIA) jointly announced on April 24 that the two organizations have agreed on a set of common principles to be considered by Congress as it prepares to take …

Violence in schools: Having a plan is key to survival

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare: worrying about the safety of a child. But many parents were thrown into that situation on April 16. As the nation well knows by now, on that day, student Seung-Hui Cho unleashed 170 rounds from …

Congress should consider “guiding principles” for TRIEA

The Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism and the American Insurance Association jointly announced on April 24 that the two organizations have agreed on a set of common principles to be considered by Congress as it prepares to take up legislation …

Climate Change: The potential insurance costs and what’s being done

Estimating the potential costs of future weather related events, linked to climate change, is, at best, an inexact science; there are just too many variables. Nonetheless, a picture is emerging that, whatever happens, the costs are likely to be huge. …

Commercial property/casualty premiums drop, underwriting relaxes, 1st quarter survey finds

Commercial property/casualty premiums for all sizes of accounts dropped sharply during the first quarter of 2007, with indications that insurance companies are starting to loosen underwriting standards and price aggressively to get business, according to the latest Commercial Property/Casualty Market …

Commercial property/casualty premiums drop, underwriting relaxes, 1st quarter survey finds

Commercial property/casualty premiums for all sizes of accounts dropped sharply during the first quarter of 2007, with indications that insurance companies are starting to loosen underwriting standards and price aggressively to get business, according to the latest Commercial Property/Casualty Market …

News Currents

Key subcommittee chairman favors six to eight-year terrorism insurance extension Insurance industry pushes for longer period with some in favor of 20 years or more In his opening statement as chair of a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee considering extension …