Terrorism News

McCarran-Ferguson emerges as No. 1 threat to independent agents

As 1,200 independent agents and brokers from around the country descend on Washington, D.C., this month for the Big “I” Legislative Conference & Convention, they will be greeted with a new legislative priority: The McCarran-Ferguson antitrust repeal. While insurance regulatory …

McCarran-Ferguson emerges as No. 1 threat to independent agents

As 1,200 independent agents and brokers from around the country descend on Washington, D.C., this month for the Big “I” Legislative Conference & Convention, they will be greeted with a new legislative priority: The McCarran-Ferguson antitrust repeal. While insurance regulatory …

McCarran-Ferguson emerges as No. 1 threat to independent agents

As 1,200 independent agents and brokers from around the country descend on Washington, D.C., this month for the Big “I” Legislative Conference & Convention, they will be greeted with a new legislative priority: The McCarran-Ferguson antitrust repeal. While insurance regulatory …

Bush administration rejects pleas for federal disaster plan

Warning of another looming hurricane season, lawmakers including Florida Gov. Charlie Crist pleaded this month in Washington for a national catastrophe fund to help stabilize an insurance industry that some say has gone berserk in coastal areas. The Bush administration …

McCarran-Ferguson emerges as No. 1 threat to independent agents

As 1,200 independent agents and brokers from around the country descend on Washington, D.C., this month for the Big “I” Legislative Conference & Convention, they will be greeted with a new legislative priority: The McCarran-Ferguson antitrust repeal. While insurance regulatory …

Double Duty

Twenty-nine year old Peter Webb served his country in the U.S. Marines for eight years. Since then, Sergeant Webb has spent four years serving small businesses as an account manager and producer for an Oklahoma City independent agency. Now just …

SPECIAL REPORT: Salute to Independent Agents

Twenty-nine year old Peter Webb served his country in the U.S. Marines for eight years. Since then, Sergeant Webb has spent four years serving small businesses as an account manager and producer for an Oklahoma City independent agency. Now just …

Bush administration rejects pleas for federal disaster plan

Warning of another looming hurricane season, lawmakers including Florida Gov. Charlie Crist pleaded this month in Washington for a national catastrophe fund to help stabilize an insurance industry that some say has gone berserk in coastal areas. The Bush administration …

Climate Change Risks ‘Potentially Significant,’ Says U.S. Report

The actual costs of future catastrophes and other weather events linked to climate change are unknown but a new U.S. government report warns that both private insurers and the public sector are likely to pay a hefty price. The report …

Commercial P/C Premiums Drop, Underwriting Relaxes, Survey Finds

Commercial property/casualty premiums for all sizes of accounts dropped sharply during the first quarter of 2007, with indications that insurance companies are starting to loosen underwriting standards and price aggressively to get business, according to the latest Commercial Property/Casualty Market …