Terrorism News

Insurers Build Record-High Surplus, Lower Non-Coastal Rates After Hurricane Respite

With elevated hurricane activity predicted over the next 15 to 20 years, insurers took advantage of last year’s respite to fix the roof while the sun was shining, setting aside billions to bolster the industry’s claims-paying capacity, according to the …

Consumer Federation: Insurers Increase Profit Levels by Overpricing Policies

National consumer organizations joined the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) today in Washington D.C. to release a new study concluding that the property/casualty insurance industry (which includes the nation’s home and auto insurers) has dramatically increased profits and surplus in …

Insurance priorities for the U.S. Senate

Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., is the incoming chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, which has jurisdiction over flood and terrorism insurance, as well as over regulation of insurance, credit and other financial services markets. The …

Insurance priorities for the U.S. Senate

Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., is the incoming chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, which has jurisdiction over flood and terrorism insurance, as well as over regulation of insurance, credit and other financial services markets. The …

Insurance priorities for the U.S. Senate

Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., is the incoming chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, which has jurisdiction over flood and terrorism insurance, as well as over regulation of insurance, credit and other financial services markets. The …

Consumer Group to Unleash Attack on P/C Insurers for ‘Overcharging’

On Monday, January 8, the Consumer Federation of America says it will release new data demonstrating that “auto and home insurers dramatically increased profits and surplus in recent years, in part by systematically overcharging for insurance and by shifting costs …

Agents, Brokers Set 2007 Legislative Priorities

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (the Big “I”) will again confront a number of legislative issues important to agents and brokers at both the state and federal levels in 2007, including progress on licensing, regulatory, tax and …

Mo. Commissioners Elect to Purchase Terrorism Coverage

Cape Girardeau County, Mo. government buildings have been insured against a terrorist attack, ensuring that taxpayers won’t be stuck with the cost of rebuilding. In approving purchase of the policy late last week, commissioners acknowledged that the likelihood of a …

Report: N.Y. City Commuter Tunnels Vulnerable to Terrorist Activity

It has long been one of New York City’s nightmares: Terrorists target tunnels, flooding commuter lifelines and possibly some of the city itself. The grim scenario is getting renewed scrutiny after a new report suggested that PATH commuter rail tunnels …

Arkansas Dedicates New Emergency Center

Arkansas’ new emergency operations center was dedicated last week and the building is expected to be completed in May. Arkansas Department of Emergency Management Director David Maxwell said the $13.5 million building will function as the command center for emergency …