Terrorism News

Top 10 Stories of 2006

1. Unsettling Deals on Agent Compensation Agents battle to save contingent pay. 2.Flood Realities Water, water everywhere but not always coverage. 3. Political Climate Change Midterm elections promise new faces and fresh starts. 4. Don’t Go Near the Water Insurers …

New Markets

Accident Site and Public Response Nuts & Bolts: AIG Specialty Excess, an umbrella and excess casualty underwriting unit of the AIG Companies, announced the addition of Accident Site Advisor and PublicResponse to its excess liability insurance. The built-in enhancements, catering …

Global warming represents watershed event for insurance industry

At various points in history — the Great Dust Bowl of the 1930s, urban riots of the 1960s, and terrorism today — watershed events or trends ushered in structural changes within the U.S. insurance industry. While entirely different in their …

Private equity market increasingly bullish on insurance and E&S

Historically, the insurance sector has not been high on the list of preferred investments for private equity markets, but since 2001 interest in insurance and reinsurance has been on the rise, not only with private equity firms, but also with …

Rating commission also denies rate hikes for La. Citizens

10 No rule change for Allstate in La. 11 ID theft warning in Okla. AG cites scam targeting customers of Ketchum bank 11 Agents selling federal flood policies must have training Ark. reminds producers of their responsibilities under NFIP MARKET …

N.Y.-N.J. Ports Panel Urges Nationwide Cargo Standards, Security Czar

A port security task force this week urged that the nation adopt mandatory security standards for cargo and that the president appoint a port security czar to coordinate the federal agencies that oversee the nation’s 361 seaports. Shippers should also …

Catlin to Establish Offices in Paris, Barcelona, Zurich and Innsbruck

The Bermuda-based Catlin Group Limited announced plans to establish four new European offices in early 2007 in Paris, Barcelona, Zurich and Innsbruck. “The new locations will build on Catlin’s strategy to open offices in key cities worldwide to access business …


Award not warranted “Awarding workers’ compensation death benefits to an estate conflicts with the underlying policy of the workers’ compensation scheme, which is to provide financial support to a worker and a worker’s dependents when the worker suffers job-related injury …

St. George, Utah, tanked most secure place to live

St. George, Utah, is the most secure place in the nation to live, according to the third annual “Most Secure U.S. Places to Live” rankings from Los Angeles-based Farmers Insurance Group of Companies. The rankings, compiled by www.bestplaces.net, evaluated communities …

A state-based insurance safety net

The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty guaranty fund system administered by the states From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late 1999, discussion turned to the question of state or federal regulation …