Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton News

Texas AG’s Office: Whistleblower Firings Were not Retaliation

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office told a state district court that it was not retaliating when it fired former top Paxton aides who had reported their boss to authorities for possibly breaking the law. In the agency’s first official …

Schools, not Local Health Officials, Decide on Class Start, Texas AG Says

Local health officials in Texas do not have the authority to close schools to prevent spread of the coronavirus, state Attorney General Ken Paxton said July 28, pushing that decision solely into the hands of school officials. Paxton issued a …

Texas Attorney General Sues to Halt Deceptive Insurance Marketer

A robocalling company attempting to sell fraudulent and deceptive health insurance plans has been sued by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for alleged violations of the Texas No Call Act and the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. According to the …

Why Has Texas Decided to Break Tradition and Immediately Sue Industrial Polluters?

Late last month as crews worked to contain a roaring fire at a Houston-area petrochemical storage facility, the state of Texas did something unheard of, at least in recent memory: It sued the company that operates the site before the …

Texas AG: State Workers May Deny Gay Marriage Licenses

Calling the Supreme Court decision giving same-sex couples the right to marry a “lawless ruling,” Texas’ conservative Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton said state workers can cite their religious objections in denying marriage licenses. He warned in a statement on …