Texas fertilizer plant explosion News

Use of Fertilizer Behind Explosions, Fires Declines Due to High Risks

The nitrogen fertilizer causing a stir over imminent danger of explosion in North Carolina has been fading from the U.S. market exactly because of this kind of risk. Ammonium nitrate was the first solid nitrogen fertilizer produced on a large …

Trump Regulatory Rollback Targets Safety Rules Prompted by Industrial Disasters

The Trump administration’s move to relax an Obama-era chemical safety regulation put in place after an explosion at a fertilizer plant is the latest example of the White House easing rules established in the wake of disasters. Trump’s professed goal …

Court Says Trump Administration Must Implement Chemical Safety Rule

A federal appeals court on Friday ordered the Trump administration to immediately implement an Obama-era chemical safety rule introduced in response to a 2013 explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas that killed 15 people. The D.C. Circuit Court ruling …

EPA Wants to Rescind Obama Chemical Plant Regulations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency took steps on Thursday to roll back and delay Obama-era rules aimed at improving safety at chemical plants, which had come in response to a 2013 explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas that killed …

Settlements Reached in West, Texas, Fertilizer Plant Explosion

The city of West, Texas, and several other plaintiffs have reached settlements and partial settlements of claims stemming from a deadly explosion in the central Texas town. An April 13, 2013, blaze heated up 30 tons of ammonium nitrate at …

Texas Bill Would Delay New Rules on Storing Hazardous Chemicals

The massive fertilizer plant explosion that killed 15 people last year is unlikely to meaningfully change regulatory or safety rules in Texas until at least 2016 under the latest bill offered Aug.5 by lawmakers tasked with scrutinizing the blast. The …

Texas Has not Surveyed Injuries from Plant Blast

More than three months after a Texas fertilizer plant exploded, killing 15 people and hurting hundreds, the state still has not started surveying blast injuries despite interest from state and federal officials. Those officials say a survey of the injuries …

Devastated Texas Town Ponders Schools’ Future

After a massive fertilizer plant explosion devastated the rural town of West in April, local teachers and administrators did what they could to help the community cope with a disaster that killed 15 people and wrecked hundreds of structures, including …

Agency Investigating Plant Blast Finds Lax Chemical Regulation

A federal agency investigating a deadly explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant will tell a Senate committee that regulation of the dangerous chemicals used in the industry fall under a “patchwork” of standards that are decades old and are far …

Texas Town Sues Plant Owner Over Fertilizer Blast

Officials of the small Texas town devastated by an April 17 fertilizer plant blast that killed 15 people has filed suit against the plant owner and supplier. The lawsuit filed by West officials on June 21 seeks unspecified damages from …