texas winter weather News

Death Toll from February Extreme Cold in Texas Rises to 210

State officials on July 13 added 59 deaths to the toll wrought by the Feb. 14 cold wave and the ensuing collapse of the Texas electric power grid. The deaths newly tallied by the Texas Department of State Health Services …

When Lights Go Out as They Did in Texas, Insurance Coverage Could Turn On

The power was still off in Texas last month when rating agencies began predicting that the weather-related catastrophe would cause unprecedented losses for insurance companies. On February 19, rating agency A.M. Best forecast that insurance companies “could suffer record first-quarter …

Risk Management (or Lack Thereof) and Texas’ Deep Freeze Energy Failures

While renewable energy sources such as wind turbines and solar panels fuel a fraction of the state’s energy grid, the bulk of Texas’ power is supplied by natural gas, coal and nuclear plants, with natural gas power plants generating nearly …

Insurers Expect ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of Claims from Texas Storm

U.S. property insurers are bracing for claims for damage from collapsing roofs, bursting pipes and lost business as Texas takes stock of its losses from a winter storm that has crippled its electrical grid. Insurers’ losses could stretch into billions …

Texas Leaders Failed to Heed Warnings About Vulnerability of Power Grid, Experts Say

Millions of Texans have gone days without power or heat in subfreezing temperatures brought on by snow and ice storms. Limited regulations on companies that generate power and a history of isolating Texas from federal oversight help explain the crisis, …

Citrus Crop Losses Expected in Texas After Deep Freeze

The historic cold snap that has frozen Texas this week with brutal winter weather and brought snow all the way to beaches along the Gulf of Mexico is also bringing headaches for citrus growers at the southern tip of the …