texting while driving News

Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Now in Effect

Florida is joining 40 other states in the U.S. where it is illegal to text and drive. The ban is one of more than two dozen laws passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature scheduled that kicked in on Tuesday, Oct. 1. …

New York Unveils Plan for ‘Texting Zones’ for Distracted Motorists

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo this week continued the state’s efforts to reduce distracted driving by unveiling special “Texting Zones” along the New York State thruway and state highways that will give motorists a pull-off area to park and use …

Commentary: Threat of Civil Liabilities for Text Senders in Crash Cases

A New Jersey state appeals court has ruled that a text sender could be held liable for a crash caused by her text’s recipient — but only if the person sending the text believes the driver will immediately respond, and …

N.J. Survey: Over 60% of Young Drivers Say They’ve Texted While Driving

New Jersey auto insurance group Plymouth Rock Assurance released the results of a distracted driving study that found 61 percent of young drivers surveyed in New Jersey acknowledged having sent text messages while driving. The survey also found 73 percent …

New Jersey Court: Text Sender Can Be Held Liable in Crash

A New Jersey court says a person who knowingly sends a text to a driver can share liability if the driver causes an accident. The ruling last week came in the case of a couple severely injured when their motorcycle …

Sprint Expands User-Based Insurance Platform

Sprint is expanding its user-based insurance platform — Integrated Insurance Solutions — with two new products that the company believes is the next step for UBI 2.0. Working with Modus, Sprint launched a text disablement product that is hard wired …

New Road Signs in New Jersey to Warn Drivers Not to Text

A recently enacted law in New Jersey will mandate new road signs on state roadways that will inform motorists that texting while driving is prohibited in New Jersey. Under the legislation (A3873/S2406), the commissioner of the Department of Transportation — …

Powerful Documentary Aims to Show Texting Drivers ‘It Can Wait’

There are many stories of people who took their eyes off the road for a second to read or type a message and ended up in an accident that changed their lives and the lives of others forever. People who …

R.I. Dept. of Transportation Getting Grant to Combat Distracted Driving

Rhode Island is one of seven states receiving a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to help reduce distracted driving. The state Department of Transportation will use the $459,000 grant to develop a distracted driving prevention program. The …

New York Increases Fines for Distracted Driving Violations

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on July 26 that new and increased fines for distracted driving violations, which includes texting-while-driving or using an electronic handheld device while driving, are now in effect. These new fines were passed as part …