The Nature Conservancy News

WTW Upgrades Hawaiian Coral Reef Parametric Insurance Policy

WTW and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) announced the purchase of a new coral reef insurance policy that expands coverage around the main Hawaiian Islands and increases payouts after qualifying storms. This replaces the first U.S. coral reef insurance policy purchased …

Study: Every $1 Spent on Buying Flood Lands Could Save U.S. $5 in Future Damages

Which would cost American taxpayers more: Paying now to protect undeveloped areas that are likely to flood in the coming decades, or allowing development to proceed based on current projections and paying for subsequent flood damages when they inevitably occur? …

Report: Flooded Home Buyouts in Texas’ Harris County Less Than Strategic

Long after the rains stopped and floodwaters receded, thousands of Texans whose homes were flooded by Hurricane Harvey tried to participate in buyout programs that would help diminish the property damage of future floods. And while some homeowners have taken …

Chubb Partners with Conservation Group on Flood Protection in Miami

Chubb announced that it is partnering with The Nature Conservancy, the world’s largest conservation organization, to work together in Miami to reduce the risk from storm impacts and rising sea levels on the vulnerable coastline. The collaboration, funded by a …

XL Catlin, Nature Conservancy Eye Coastal Wetlands Investments for Storm Mitigation

When Hurricane Sandy hit the U.S. East Coast in October 2012, its 80-mile-per-hour winds and the resulting flooding did about $71 billion in damage. After the storm, researchers found that natural coastal ecosystems saved communities from Maryland to New Jersey …

$7M in BP Oil Spill Fines to Create 300 Conservation Jobs

About $7 million in BP oil spill penalties will create 300 conservation jobs in Gulf of Mexico states. Jeff DeQuattro of The Nature Conservancy said that employment will ramp up over three years: 10 people working in each state next …

The Nature Conservancy, Blue Marble Offer Microinsurance for LatAm Ranchers

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Blue Marble Microinsurance announced they have formed a partnership designed to provide microinsurance for small ranchers in Latin America who use a weather-resilient practice called “silvopasture.” Silvopastoral farming is the practice of combining trees with …

Coastal Wetlands Found to Reduce Hurricane Property Damage by 10%-30%

Coastal wetlands provide important natural protection during hurricanes. How much? Natural habitats reduced property damage by about $625 million in the Northeast during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, a new study supported by Lloyd’s of London and conducted by scientists has …

The Nature Conservancy Looks to Address South Florida Climate, Catastrophe Risks

The Nature Conservancy has announced plans to work with catastrophe risk modeling firm RMS, as well as with the Global Disaster Preparedness Center and others, in an effort to address climate impacts in South Florida. The global conservation organization said …

Group Asking Residents Use Drones to Map El Niño Flooding in California

Forget about selfies. In California, residents are using smartphones and drones to document the coastline’s changing face. Starting this month, The Nature Conservancy is asking tech junkies to capture the flooding and coastal erosion that come with El Niño, a …