TheCityUK News

Labour Win Brings Few Hopes or Fears to London’s Financial District

Labour’s landslide election win shows few signs of unsettling London’s financial heartland after the party’s lengthy pro-business overtures, though many in finance remain wary they could be targeted to prop up Britain’s stretched public finances further down the line. Under …

UK Finance Watchdog Plans on Diversity Targets a ‘Bad Idea,’ Minister Says

Plans by Britain’s financial regulator to require firms to set targets for improving diversity could be counterproductive, UK business and women minister Kemi Badenoch said on Thursday. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority …

Britain’s Financial Regulators Need ‘Ambitious Mindset’, Carnegie-Brown Says

British regulators need an “ambitious growth mindset” to implement post-Brexit financial sector reforms faster and stop business going elsewhere, an industry body said on Thursday. Britain’s “Edinburgh Reforms” – proposed by finance minister Jeremy Hunt over a year ago – …

‘Talking Shops’ and Too Little Action Hamper City of London Reboot: Analysis

When London’s Lord Mayor called recently for the creation of a new council to lead reform of Britain’s flagging financial services sector, a deep sense of déjà vu eclipsed the City. For many, the proposal served as a reminder of …

UK Regulators Urged to Help Keep London Competitive, Using New Post-Brexit Remit

Britain’s regulators must push ahead with applying their new post-Brexit remit to help keep the country’s financial sector globally competitive, industry officials said on Thursday. After Britain’s departure from the European Union, the government has come under pressure to maintain …

British Financial Services Damaged by Slow Supervisors, Report Warns

Britain’s regulators can be slow, inefficient and unpredictable, raising costs and slowly damaging the financial sector’s global competitiveness, industry body TheCityUK said in a report. Complex, opaque and slow authorizations, such as for a new chief executive or a new …

Britain’s Financial Services Execs Hope Sunak Can Steady the Ship After Market Chaos

After seven weeks in which Britain’s reputation for financial credibility has been rocked by political missteps, senior finance executives have given new prime minister Rishi Sunak a cautious welcome. Sunak is a known quantity to Britain’s banks, asset managers and …

Bank of England and City of London Square Off Over Financial Services’ Reforms

A plan to give the British government power to override watchogs would raise “serious concerns” about the ability of regulators to oversee the City as a global financial center, Bank of England Deputy Governor Jon Cunliffe said on Wednesday. While …

UK Bond Market Crash Takes Shine Off Plans to ‘Unshackle’ City of London

Britain’s new Prime Minister Liz Truss promised to “unshackle” the City of London to fuel growth, but crashing the bond market over tax cuts will take the shine off her “Big Bang” plan for financial services. Markets took fright last …

UK Government Chaos Sparks Fears in City of London of More Post-Brexit Limbo

City of London executives have expressed anxiety that the turmoil rocking the UK government may delay or derail post-Brexit reforms aimed at boosting competition and growth. The resignations of Chancellor Rishi Sunak and John Glen, economic secretary to the Treasury, …