Thomas Wilson News

Executives See Only Moderate Growth for P/C Industry in 2008

Property casualty insurance insiders predicted 2008 will be a year of marginal growth as continued pricing competition will keep premiums low and profits lower — although that could quickly worsen if a natural catastrophe strikes. Those predictions — which follow …

Executives See Moderate P/C Insurance Growth in 2008

Property casualty insurance insiders predicted 2008 will be a year of marginal growth as continued pricing competition will keep premiums low and profits lower, although that could quickly worsen if a natural catastrophe strikes. Those predictions – which follow two …

Bottom Line: Allstate’s Aggressive Personal Lines Strategy Paying Off

When a series of killer hurricanes walloped the Gulf Coast in 2005, costing Allstate Corp. a record quarterly loss of $1.55 billion, the company tried to make sure its bottom line would never be hit so hard again. The nation’s …

Allstate 2nd Quarter Earnings Rise 16 Percent, Fall Short of Estimates

Allstate Corp., the nation’s No. 2 property and casualty insurer, said Wednesday its second-quarter profits climbed 16 percent on strong auto insurance sales but operating income fell as the company paid significantly more in catastrophe-related costs. The results fell short …

Allstate CEO: Shift to Less Risky Business Will Take Years to Do

Allstate Corp. CEO Thomas Wilson said at the insurer’s annual meeting this week that the company’s shift away from catastrophe-prone areas and into products other than homeowners insurance will take years to complete. The first-year chief executive said the number …

Investments Boost Allstate 1Q Profit

Allstate Corp. said first-quarter profit rose 5 percent as investment gains offset a decline in revenue from property-liability insurance premiums. The insurer posted net income of $1.49 billion, or $2.39 per share, compared with $1.42 billion, or $2.19 per share, …


Brady in court “At that moment I wasn’t sure what was happening, if that was normal or not normal.” New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady testifying that he watched his mentor, Charlie Weis, move in and out of consciousness after …

Allstate says it paid Katrina claims of type State Farm denied

Giant insurer Allstate Corp., based in Northbrook, Ill., doesn’t have much to fear from a Mississippi class-action lawsuit that seeks to have insurers in the state reopen closed Hurricane Katrina claims, according to the company’s chief executive. Rival State Farm …


No need to be unkind “It’s not a popular position. I’ve had people who have said unkind things. I’ve had people who say I need to be replaced.” — Arkansas State Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, commenting on the unlikelihood that …


Brady in court “At that moment I wasn’t sure what was happening, if that was normal or not normal.” New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady testifying that he watched his mentor, Charlie Weis, move in and out of consciousness after …