timely notice News

Denial of House Fire Claim Upheld. Insureds Never Knew Their Policy Was Nonrenewed.

A Connecticut Appeals Court has affirmed that an insurer is not obligated to provide actual notice of a home insurance nonrenewal; proof that the insurer sent the notice by registered or certified mail is sufficient. The homeowners claimed they never …

‘It’s in the Mail’ Is Not Good Enough to Protest Workers’ Compensation Claim

A Connecticut employer lost its right to contest a workers’ compensation claim because although it mailed its notice to the workers’ compensation law judge within the 28 day statutory period, the judge did not receive the notice by the 28th …

Harvard Claims Marsh Is to Blame for Its Loss of $15M in Coverage for Admissions Fight

Having lost two bids to recover $15 million from its insurer to cover costs related to its failed defense of its admissions policy, Harvard University is now looking to hold its insurance broker, Marsh, responsible. Harvard’s excess insurer Zurich American …