Toms River News

New Jersey Town Sues to Overturn State’s ‘Woefully Inadquate’ Toxic Waste Deal

A Jersey Shore town where childhood cancer cases rose is trying to overturn a settlement between the state and the corporate successor to the company that dumped toxic waste into the water and ground for decades, turning part of the …

Residents Vow Court Fight Over ‘Inadequate’ New Jersey Toxic Site Settlement

New Jersey has accepted a revised settlement over chemical dumping that turned parts of a Jersey Shore community into one of America`s most notorious toxic waste cleanup sites, but opponents say the deal is only marginally better than before and …

Locals Unhappy Over State Settlement With Superfund Site Owner BASF

TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) — In hindsight, it’s clear that something was very wrong in this suburban town at the Jersey Shore, where many people worked at or lived near a chemical company that was flushing toxic waste into waterways …