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Judge Advances Multidistrict COVID Business Interruption Case Against Society Insurance

A federal judge denied Society Insurance’s motions to dismiss three “bellwether” lawsuits filed by hospitality businesses that were denied coverage for revenue lost because of COVID-19 public health orders. U.S. District Judge Edmond Chang in Chicago, who was assigned a …

AXA, Other Mega-Investors Seek to Avoid Portfolios with Global Warming Potential

All good money managers expect to outperform their benchmark, and by one such metric the French insurer and investor AXA SA recently scored a market-beating success. Not by delivering higher returns, but by generating a lower level of global warming. …

Munich Re Stops Insuring Nord Stream 2 Pipeline on Fears of U.S. Sanctions

A subsidiary of Germany’s Munich Re will no longer insure the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Europe amid the fear of sanctions by the U.S. government. The U.S. has been threatening sanctions against European companies that support construction …

Judge Tosses Wife’s Suit Blaming Employer for Her Husband’s Covid

A federal judge tossed out a first-of-its-kind lawsuit that sought to hold an employer responsible for a worker’s spouse getting sick with Covid-19. U.S. District Judge Maxine M. Chesney in San Francisco on Monday dismissed the complaint filed by Corby …

Risks of Business Failures ‘Remain Considerable,’ Says Fed

The risks of ongoing business failures in the United States “remain considerable” even as the economy emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Reserve said on Friday in its semi-annual monetary policy report to Congress. Business borrowing “now stands near …

Researchers Testing If Wearable Wristwatch Can Detect COVID-19 Infection

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine researchers are recruiting health care workers to study whether a wearable device, a wristwatch, can capture real time data that can be used to alert wearers of subtle physiological changes that may indicate …

Wife Sues Husband’s Employer Over COVID-19 Infection

A federal judge is weighing what she called a first-of-its-kind lawsuit that would hold an employer responsible for a worker’s spouse getting sick with Covid-19. Plenty of families have sued businesses, from retailers to meatpacking plants, claiming that unsafe workspaces …

Many Firms Aren’t Paying OSHA Fines Levied for COVID-19 Safety Violations: Reuters

U.S. workplace safety regulators have announced more than $4 million in penalties on more than 300 employers they say put workers at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. But about two-thirds of these employers aren’t paying up. Only 108 companies had …

Viewpoint: Post-Pandemic: Will Employers or Workers Have Upper Hand?

It’s been a year now since we came under the relentless domination of the coronavirus. After all this time, the picture isn’t pleasant. The end is uncertain and the implications for the future are far from clear. McKinsey reports that …

COVID-19 Infections in U.S. Nearly 3X Greater Than Reported, University Model Estimates

World health experts have long suspected that the incidence of COVID-19 has been higher than reported. Now, a machine-learning algorithm developed at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center estimates that the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. since the …